Starting from next month, road user have to be extra careful on the road as there will be around 3,000 camera around the country to catch traffic offender. Read the full news from Bernama below.
PUTRAJAYA, — The Automated Enforcement System (AES) designed to nab traffic offenders will be implemented after the Road Transport Act is amended by Parliament next month.
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat said implementation of the AES would not only help to reduce road accidents, but also corrupt practices among enforcement officers.
“The idea (AES system) was mooted four years ago but it was only last year that we managed to fine tune some of the past inadequacies,” he told reporters before chairing the ministry’s post-cabinet meeting here Wednesday.
The AES system, which is widely used in developed countries like Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, is essentially a system where cameras are installed at accident-prone areas to detect speeding vehicles and cameras are placed at traffic light junctions to nab those beating the red light.
An estimated 3,000 cameras are expected to be installed nationwide. The locations have been identified by the Road Safety Department and the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research.
Meanwhile, Ong said 201 fatalities were reported during a month-long integrated road safety campaign held in conjunction with Chinese New Year since Jan 21.
He said the figures showed a drop of 11 deaths or 5.2 per cent from 212 deaths in a similar campaign conducted last year.
“The average daily death during the period is 13 compared with 18 on normal days, a drop of five deaths daily or 27.8 per cent,” he added.
He said a total of 14,185 cases of road accidents were reported during the campaign period this year, a drop of three per cent or 433 cases from 14,618 cases in the campaign last year.
Ong said the focus of enforcement during the campaign period was on nine serious traffic offences, adding that it had succeeded in reducing fatal accidents .
The offences are exceeding the speed limit, overtaking on double-lines, queue-cutting, beating the traffic light, using the emergency lane, dangerous driving, overloading, not wearing the safety belts and not wearing crash helmets, he added.
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