Modified Toyota Altis.
Malaysian like to modify their car.People from other country also already know that Malaysians like to spend a lot of their money to modify their lovely car.No matter whether they are women or men they will spend a lot of their money to modify their car.Some people said that
Nissan Grand Livina
No money No beautiful car.Is it true?.
So here, let’s share your satisfaction and your new idea with all of us.
I’m sure that you will agree with me that Malaysia is different with the other countries. In Malaysia, car accessories shops are everywhere.Most popular among Malaysians is Brothers shop.That is the shop for those who just want to start to modify their car.So, it is easy for Malaysian to modify their car.
Modification also called as “customizing” . It individualizes the vehicle to reflect the owner’s taste, sense of proportion and design. Some people just like to be different than everybody else.Some modifications you can do on your own. Speakers, audio, TV, rims, tint, paint, all this can be done at your own house and also by a logical person. One must just know the limits of what they can do.If you have any new idea in your mind to modify your car, let’s share with us and other readers.So that you can share and change your opinion with the others.
Modified Perodua Myvi.
Modified Perodua Kancil
msti r rase kepuasan yg x t’kate……
bile lalu kt mne2 sumer awek2 kn pndng kt kete gua…e2 yg x puas hati, bkn nk tngk owner kete…..huhu
aku x geti pon nk modified keta ni hehe
tu la.. aku pon x gheti jugak.. sape punye kereta la kaler putih tu yer.. ingat nak blajar mod dari die ar.. wakaka..
Kereta Saga BLM KDI memang cun…(bodek sikit)…hehehehe
mcm tau2 jer sapa punya saga blm putih tu.. kalo x modified mestla x cun x layan kan2
modified kereta..? yer la nak beli supercar yang dah ready mody and good look entah biler tahun baru boleh dapat.. so alternatif mood la keter yang ader.. Just untuk kepuasan diri sendiri.. tapi bagiku rasanya memang tak penah puas.. ader sajer nak buat itu ini.. itu la naluri manusia kan.. dunia..dunia..
kdi, poyo..
mcm ku prnah nmpak ler keta putih tue tp..kt ner yer…huhuhu
kdi apo prjek.. jom ar..kita plan g jln2 lg?..;-)
aik kej@m?
macam nak luahkan perasaan je xdapat password? he2.. kena jumpe kitorang dulu baru leh dapat.. kui2.. =p
skang tngah mod cik putih tu sikit2.. ngan ayezat punye skali tu ha.. nanti abih la kdi kena dera agi nk mod kereta die.. ha2..
amboi.. sekarang jalan dah berteman yer.. mesti seronok kan.. alahai.. jgnla buat kdi jeles.. hu..
Of kos la tak puas lagi.. selagi keta tu takleh terbang & takleh guna kulit pisang utk jadi bahan bakar (macam dalam cite back to teh future) :p
dlu mse kete aq standard,
klu parking or bhenti sblh kete yg da mods msty rse malu giler doe…
ble da mods bru r rse bngge skit…