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    2007 Picture.Red Bull, with racing team partner AMN Motorsport announced the first-of-its-kind Red Bull Female Driver Search (RBFDS) 2007 at the Atrium, Kuala Lumpur.

    A racecar driver need to be strong, fit, has high stamina and can give full concentration during racing.We can say this racing world as a world for men.But things has changed today.Women also can become as a racecar driver.Last time, we always relate cars with men, but today motorsport and automotive world can be relate with women. As an example, some of our readers also women.They always talk about cars here and they love their car so much.But we don’t think that they able to be as a racecar driver.So here we want some opinion from them about female racecar driver.What they will say? Maybe Lily, achik, nizu, -N-, balqis, juju and others can give their comment here.Lily, do you want to be a female racecar driver?.Achik already offered herself to be the female racecar driver.Just Joking.=)

    To become a professional race car driver is a very long and tedious process and only those who are very dedicated will survive and be able to actually achieve the status of professional racecar driver.In Malaysia it is so interesting because we already have a racing team that used female drivers to race for their team.It is the Red Bull X1R Racing Team.The Red Bull X1R Racing Team used female drivers the B class category in the Merdeka Millennium Endurance or MME.Here are the list of their famous female drivers, celebrity Deanna Yusoff, Hiroko Nakamura, Philippa Yoong, Kazumi Mikami and Nurul Alis @ Kiki.In that competition they used the Proton Satria GTi as their race car.


    Nurul Alis @ Kiki, Hiroko Nakamura and Deanna Yusoff.

    The Red Bull X1R Racing Team also had do some competition which is Red Bull Female Driver Search and all the winner had been named as Red Bull Rookies. Norlina Johor, Leona Chin, Puteri Ayu Jasmin, Norbaizura Ruslan, Nurhayati Umar and Diana Chin.All of them using more powerful car.They are trained by the previous female driver for Red Bull.Malaysians, you should be proud that we also have some race car and drifter girl.Car racing and drifting is a sports that not all people are able to do that.Only for those who have the passion in this sports can do drifting.



    The Red Bull Female Driver Search winners (from left) Norlina Johor, Leona Chin, Puteri Ayu Jasmin and Norbaizura Ruslan. (above & below)


    Below are some information about them.

    Name  : Leona Chin Lyweoi
    Nationality : Malaysian
    Age   :  23
    Date of Birth : 23-07-1986
    Occupation   : Entrepreneur
    Hobbies  : Motorsports (Car Drifting, Arcade racing,Track Racing, Go Kart)
    Talents   : Drifting, Track Racing
    Career: Manager of Asia Advanced Driving Academy Sdn Bhd (AADA)

    Name: Puteri Ayu Jasmin Abdul Hamid
    Age: 25 tahun
    Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor
    Career: Pengurus akaun/pengurus acara

    Name: Nur Hayati Omar
    Age: 24 tahun
    Location: Johor Bahru, Johor
    Career: Penuntut jurusan undang-undang

    Name: Diana Chin
    Age: 22 tahun
    Location: Pulau Pinang
    Career: Pengurus Acara di Pusat Pembangunan Pelancongan, Budaya, Kesenian dan Warisan Pulau Pinang


    Watched closely by trainers and MME regulars Phillipa Yoong and Hiroki Nakamura, the quartet of Puteri Ayu Jasmin, Norlina Johor, Norbaizura Ruslan and Leona Chin took turns in taking their Honda Integra DC2 race car around the track; putting to practice tips provided their learned trainers.

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    Majalah kereta Malaysia Test drive review Review kereta di Malaysia

    44 Responses

    1. mel says:

      hah…sape nak jadi racer utk kdi racing team???
      kitorang dah prepare satu keta dah utk racing
      keta sorong KDI
      tapi nk 2 orang la
      sorang tukang tolak sorang tukang naik

    2. kej@m says:

      ha lily..pe lg…bile nk start drift nie…
      achik, ko nk amik yg mne..
      tu sume umur lebih kurg kite jer…

    3. iz says:

      mel ngan kej@m da start da…
      mane la si achik ngan lily nh…????
      KDI racing team da prepare da…Mel da sediakan kete sorong untuk diorang…Haha…

    4. kej@m says:

      kire, lily driver, achik tukang tarik la…
      nnt dh penat, leh tukar² plak..haha…

    5. iz says:

      Betul3..Haha..tu achik ngah borak2 ngan -N- kat thread BLM..xprasan lagi kot nama die disebut2 kat sini.. haha

    6. kej@m says:

      haha…die xperasan lg la tu..xpe..kite tggu die perasan..tgk ape die ckp..haha..

    7. mel says:

      weh allocation name2 racer tu ko salah la
      no 2 dari kiri tu leona chin
      yg lain suma aku tatau haha
      npk sgt ikot name kat keta tuh haha

    8. iz says:

      Ok mel..kalau ikut nama kete memg slah..hehe..die sama ngan position yang gambar pkai baju kuning kat atas..hehe ko ade affair ngan leona chin eh? Haha..ok..noted & edited..=)

    9. kej@m says:

      iz, aku rse mel nie affair la..sbb yg sorg tu je die kenal..yg lain die xtau plak tu..
      ko xrse pelik ke iz..haha..

    10. iz says:

      Tula..aku pun rase pelik gak…dahla nama2 tu die yang bagi tok aku tambah mase ngah taip td…leona chin memang nama 1st yang die bg.. mesti ade pape nih.. senyap2 xbgtau kwn pu eh.. [email protected] nih memang minat drift..slalu gak die tgok video2 org buat drift..so..memang sahla die ade affair ngan leona chin..haha

    11. kej@m says:

      oo..ptt la pun die punye perhatian tu lain mcm sket kt leona chin tu…kire minat dlm diam la tu…
      rsenye dimana ada leona, mesti ada mel..haha..

    12. azameel says:

      laaa korang baru tau ke???
      mgu dpan dah nk kawen dah…
      baru nk surprise tapi dh kantoi

    13. iz says:

      Wah…ade2 je ko ni eh mel…. haha.. aku baru tau nh.. haha

    14. achik says:

      hoi…hemo2 bez nye korang dok ngata aku ek…lambat plak aku prsan korang dok ngata aku ye…patut la dr ptg td aku dok trbatuk2 jer…xpe2 tunggu la nnt lily masuk sni…kami akan mngganas..wakaka…

    15. shahrul says:

      sesuaikah seorang perempuan menjadi seorang pelumba kereta?
      kenapa tidak? perempuan pun ada kaki mcm laki… ada tangan mcm laki…..
      bukan aku nak bela perempuan… org yg tanya tu… takut kalah ngan pempuan ke?????

    16. shahrul says:

      mme tahun ni…. ramai tak peserta?
      tapi acara bertambah kan? bukan kete je.. motocross pun ada kan?
      matspeed hantar kete tak mme ni???? aku support u all matspeed……
      ahli matspeed ada ke yg surfe web ni?????

    17. mr.bob says:

      wats the different does it make for men or women driver ?
      the most important whether she is talented, committed, interested and supported.
      men n women are the same except private parts only la.

    18. kej@m says:

      ngeh..ngeh..ngeh..achik ngan lily bru perasan kite kutuk dieorg…
      lily, ko wat la team bru..aku sokong..

    19. kdi says:

      perhatian kpd sume..

      Sila jangan kuarkan kenyataan yg bleh menyinggung perasaan mana2 pihak terutama wanita.. ada beberapa komen yg kdi terpaksa delete sbab ada isu sensitif. wanita pon ada hak masing2 jadi kita kena saling hormat menghormati ok..

      p/s : siapa nk jadi wanita kdi ni.. haha.. bosan gak jadi single nih. =p

    20. Lily says:

      Blh..aku wt team baru,ajk org umah ko join sme eh!

      xpe2,diaorg usik kta sruh naik kreta sorong je?ish2..xptut!Nk bg,bg ar kreta btul2.Kn?kn?
      Ape kata kta pnjam kreta BJG..mst die bg punyer,pastu kta ajk la sya same.Huhu..

      amboi3.. :p

      Ucu xde adk la nk rekemen jd wanita kdi.Huhu..

      Ni pendapat aku..
      Sesuai gir jd pelumba kreta,dlm dunia tnpa smpadan ni.
      Sume krja laki,gir dah blh wt n krja gir pun,laki dh blh wt.
      Yg pnting minat mau ada..:-).
      Pastu keyakinan&keberanian perlu ada bak kata pepatah “Tanpa keberanian mimpi x akan jd kenyataan”

    21. achik says:

      btul 2…de ke nk bg kete sorong…bg la yg bez2 skit kn..emm ok gak 2…lily, achik, sya pas2 ajak org umh kej@m skali…dh ckup 4 org…dh leh wat team ni…wakakaka…

      achik kn ade…bkn achik ni tunang kdi ker…wakakakaka

    22. kej@m says:

      ok set..aku on jer kalo korg nk org rmh aku join skali..tp nnt jap..
      aku nk soh die amik lesen dlu..ngah..ngah..ngah..
      org rmh aku lom ade lesen kete..ade lesen moto jer…
      hr² kene bebel ngan aku sbb bwk moto laju…

    23. Lily says:

      ko ni kaki bebel mcm tunang aku ar.Wawawa…Mcm pmpuan

    24. kej@m says:

      hehe..mesti la membebel ly..aku bknnye dok skali ngan die..
      wife aku dok kt johor..aku kt kl…nnt kang jd pape, bknnye dekat aku nk blik..

    25. Joko says:

      Aii ! Tetiba ajer sejak balik tengok Black kawen, ko dah mula rasa bosan duk single.. emm kan betul kata aku, orang bujang kalau pegi tengok kengkawan kawen mesti dapat semangat baru punya… okey lah tu..!
      Salah satu syarat mesti ada lesen kereta gak lah..

    26. achik says:

      org laki mmng kuat bebel…membebel jer…hahaha

    27. kej@m says:

      joko, kdi tu, jd mcm tu sbb ambik berkat terlebih tu…haha…
      achik, org laki kalo membebel, lg teruk dr pompuan..silp² lg teruk dr pompuan membebel..haha..

    28. Joko says:

      Achik and Lily,
      Kalau dapat lelaki yg tak kuat bercakap nanti ko boring plak, macam cakap kat dinding jer.. ko tanya sepuluh patah dia jawab “ha ah ! yelah ” tak boring ker…
      Dia bebel sebab dia sayang kat bini dia, tak mau cedera nanti kalau jatuh. hee heee

    29. achik says:

      mmng btol pn laki klu bebel kalah pmpuan…skit telinga ni..hahaha

      btul gak 2…lg mnyakitkn ati de la…baek dpt yg byk ckap kn…hahaha…yela 2…bebel ni tnde nye syg…

    30. kej@m says:

      hehe…tp slalunye, time bini aku membebel, aku bt² tgk tv..xpun lyn ank aku main..hahaha…

    31. Lily says:

      Own..mknanya ko still PJJ lg ar ni?Perkahwinan Jarak Jauh.Aku rsa aku pun nsb sm gak n ko ble kwin nti.
      Tp xpe,kata org jauh2 lg rndu..Lgpun ko nk keje jhor smula kn?dpt la dok sm.
      Tp mmg aku suka pun time tunang aku bebel,rsa mcm die caring wlau pd hakikatnya aku mmg xthn sbb rsa bebel die kalah pmpuan.Haha..

      mst kdi n forumer lain pelik&hangin,ini topik racer gir ke topik sape yg kuat m’bebel antara laki n pmpuan.Haha..

    32. iz says:

      Salam semua..

      Wah2..kitorg sepanjang siang nh agak bz mcm2 eh korang borak2…hehe..mcm2 iz bce arini…hehe..

      “Tanpa keberanian mimpi x akan jd kenyataan”? Ni mcm dlm cerita soal hati je? hehe..

    33. kej@m says:

      hehe..ko ade² ye ly..aku igt PJJ tu ape td…
      tp jauh² nie best..mcm mse bercinte dlu..hehe..hari² gayut dlm tepon…
      nsb baik free..

    34. azameel says:

      macam kena buat topik baru je
      girl vs boy
      sape lg kuat bebel
      boleh buat contest ni

    35. kej@m says:

      mel, aku rse kalo ko bukak tread tu bahaye tu…
      ble jd gaduh nnt…haha…

    36. kdi says:

      owh tidak.. kat sini pun achik nak perasan.. uhuk2! achik tunang kdi? bukan tunang ayezat ke? kui3…

      tu la pasal.. xbleh ar kdi pegi kenduri kawin lily taun depan.. nanti makin angau jadinye terlebih berkat.. adeyh.. =p

      girl vs boy?
      tgk gak ar… kalo yg pakai spoiler x bleh sidai kain tu yg suke membebel.. sebab die asyik merungut je kat laki die..” mane tempat sidai kain ni bang?”

    37. Lily says:

      azameel,mel,mel b6t..
      Sila gunakan nick anda 1 sahaja.Haha..

      Spe yg psang spoiler tggi..
      xpe2,nti aku pnjm spoiler korang wt penyidai kain.haha..

    38. mel says:

      adeh…dalam ni pon die p tuka sndiri name aku
      kambeng tol…
      maaf kak saya tukar balik yer nanti hehe

    39. kej@m says:

      mel, tu tanda² nk laptop baru tu…

    40. kdi says:

      haha.. kan dah kena sound agi ngan Ucu Lily.. =p

      waduh.. family kdi memang suke melencongkan topic.. =p

      back to original topic? Do you feel that women are suitable to be a race car driver? hurm..

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