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    Honda Civic

    Honda Civic

    Honda Civic security system can be questioned.It is because the thieves have a device that is used to detect the car’s immobiliser system and cut off the alarm within five seconds.Read the detail news by Oh Ing Yeen from thestar below:


    Three cars of the same model were stolen around the same time in the wee hours of March 25 in Taman Sri Rampai, Wangsa Maju.

    Two of the victims had parked their cars — a Honda Civic — in the porch and they did not even hear the thieves breaking in.

    One of the victims, who only wanted to be known as Victor, felt the blow as he had only bought his car less than three weeks ago. It cost him RM128,000.

    “My car, a silver Honda Civic, was parked in the car porch and the gate was locked. We only noticed that the car was stolen when my wife was about to go jogging at about 6am,” he said at a press conference in the Setiawangsa MCA headquarters.

    Setiawangsa division MCA Public Complaints Bureau chief Kent Ho, who himself is one of the victims, had captured the entire process on the CCTV camera.

    “From the CCTV, we could see the suspects’ faces. It was a two-man team, both in their 20s to 30s, dressed in similar casual clothes and they did not even cover their faces or wear caps or sunglasses.

    “They drove a car similar to mine and carried bags, which we suspect contains a device they used to detect the car’s immobiliser.

    “It took them less than 18 minutes to drive off in my car.

    “They seemed like experienced thieves because they were able to detect the car’s mother board and cut off the alarm within five seconds and know exactly where the houses of the Honda Civic were situated.

    “My mechanic told me that with the car’s technology, it is impossible for anyone to drive off without the designated car key.

    “There were very careful and quiet. I was still awake at the time of the theft, which took place is from 2.45am to 3.03am, but I did not hear a sound,” he said, adding that he will post a copy of the recordings online to warn the public about the thefts.

    He hoped that the police would be on the look out for the thieves who might smuggle the cars out in containers.

    “The police also told me that I was not the first victim that night,” said Ho.

    He called a Honda centre and the reply he got was that they were not aware of it and that Honda’s devices could not be brought out from its premises.

    Ho said he would report the incident to both Honda Malaysia and Honda Japan.

    “We want an explanation because how can such an advance immobiliser be foiled?” asked Ho.

    He added that he would write a letter to the Sentul and Bukit Aman police to inform them that the crime rate in Taman Sri Rampai had escalated.

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    21 Responses

    1. Comment says:

      Aduss..ni yang tak nak dengar ni. Konpom ada sindiket ni…kereta panas ni.

    2. iz says:

      Maybe la ade sindiket…sebab diorg ade device yg diorg gne tok detect immobiliser kete tu..pastu dlm mase 5 saat da boleh cut off alarm..bukan calang2 org beb..

    3. East says:

      My Camry was stoleh on 17 Mar 2009 in the Wangsa Maju Carrefour. Must be the same people.

    4. TheReds says:

      So unlucky…
      Me to..but Vios only…
      (16/11/2008)-Bkt Antarabangsa…

    5. Prasad says:

      A civic was stolen in broad day light near my place where the owner parked behind his shop.
      What’s worst Honda will void the warranty is you try to install extra alarm like Captor.
      I’m going to cancel my order if Honda’s alarm is so crappy and they don’t allow me to add extra alarm.

    6. Prasad says:

      There’s also a 2 Way LCD Car Alarms now but looks its in the US only

    7. Comment says:

      Salah satu modus operandi nak curi kereta sekarang adalah dengan mengekori kereta yang disasarkan. Mereka biasa mengekori kereta yang dinaiki perempuan. Kemudian apabila tuan kereta berhenti di kedai misalanya mereka akan turun dan terus kata kereta tu tak bayar. Diaorang anak tarik kereta tu. Diaorang akan terus minta kunci kereta. Oleh kerana tuan punya, biasanya perempuan panik terus sahaja bagi kunci kereta tanpa banyak soal. Diaorang akan terus bawa kereta tu pergi. Kejadian ni dah nak terjadi kepada kawan orang rumah aku. Nasib baik dia tak bagi, dan terus call hubby dia. Sebab hubby dia yang selalu bayar kereta. Jadi peringatkan kepada sesiapa pun saudara mara kita kalau situasi macam ini terjadi jangan sesekali berikan kunci selagi kita tak pasti siapa mereka. Telefon terus polis (pastikan letak no balai polis dalam handphone) atau saudara mara. Ramai antara kita yang tak tahu prosedur untuk menarik kereta yang sebenar. Bank-bank akan melantik agen yang sememangnya akan mencari seberapa banyak komisen tanpa mengikut prosedur yang betul.

    8. prasad says:

      Looks like Honda Malaysia will not install extra alarm for civic and will void warranty if you do it yourself.
      Its like they want your civic to get stolen

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