With the current environment situation, where global warming is a problem for all of us. Many incentive were taken to overcome or at least to minimize the spreading cancer. One of it would be the creation of electric car. Which falls under the category of green car.
When we heard the term of eletric car, the first thing that would come to our mind would be “Hmm, electric car, it should be slow”. And in another perspective, eletric car is just a solution for our global warming issue. But not to a group of a Japanese Engineer’s.
Dr. Hiroshi Shimizu and his team of engineer had built the world fastest electric car, the Eliica.The Eliica is powered by 8 electric motors for each of its 8 wheels and the fuel used is lithium-ion batteries and it is capable of doing 402 km/h
Considering that each of the 8 wheels contains an electric motor that produces 60kW (80hp), you begin to understand how the Eliica is capable of 0 – 60mph time of under 4 seconds, a top speed of 250mph (402km/h) and a range of 200 miles (321 km)
They had started to built the electric car since 2003 and currently they are looking for sponsors to build even more of this monster.They may get their sponsors as the Japanese government’s interest in electric vehicles grow. If and when that happens, 200 units will be made for a price of around USD$255,000.
Jom komen!