Talking about best handling car, it is a quite subjective opinion. Some car journalist prefer RWD rear wheel drive vehicle and think the RWD car like BMW is the best in handling because they used to RWD wheels drifting on the track with the unpredictable ass out of track. Which is a very rare situation for most of us drivers who normally drive on a normal road and highways.
Lets face the fact, we need a very stable car to handle corners and bumpy, slippery road at any time without losing our control and hold the all 4 wheels on the ground without any one of them skidding thus giving us more confidence and safety while driving even at high speed. That is general description of good handling for most of the drivers in the world. Not only for racer on the track.
So, between the 3 layout, which one is better in terms of handling? The best is always AWD or 4 wheel drive cars where all the power output sent to all 4 wheels to give the best grip on the road and makes driving so easy in all road condition.
The 2nd best can be FWD or RWD. It depends on how you like to handle the car. Ford and Audi has the best FWD car and in our opinion, they are the easiest to handle and very stable compared to BMW or Merce rear wheel drive. But rear wheel drive is best if you are a highly skilled and trained race car driver where driving with the rear wheel drifting is not a problem to you.
For most of us normal drivers in real life and on normal road, apart from AWD, FWD is best suits us because it is easiest to handle, predictable, safer, stable on slippery road and we dont need high driving skill to drive it any time.
Here we share some opinion from a AWD car owner which dumped his RWD for better driving experience :
“As a former M135i owner I can say the following…..”
1. If your interest is all about power….buy the m135i, its very, very rapid.
2. If you prefer handling above all else, buy the ST. Ford are without rivals in building superb handling hatchbacks.
3. If you drive your car in the real world and like power combined with safe, predictable 4wd handling, buy the S3.
I absolutely adored the engine and auto gearbox in my m135i. However I really disliked the way it put the power down. A very bouncy ride quality when pressing on and less than convincing handling on anything other than dry smooth roads. If they made the m135i in 4wd (in the uk), I would buy one again tomorrow – as long as it had adaptive suspension. I know all the “purists” say rwd is best but lets be honest, most of them dont have a clue how to drive properly….they screw it up over powering into a bend, the traction control kicks in and gathers it all up, then they think they are Colin Mcrae!
In comparison, the S3 is boring and predictable. Its quick and very well built. However, it just goes round corners without any drama at all. Lots of grip, no arse out action like the bmw. Call me old fashioned, but thats why I got rid of the bmw and bought the s3… I drive on uk roads at fairly legal speeds along with the other millions of unpredicatable drivers…..having a quick and predictable sure footed car is much more useful in the world I live in anyway!
Jom komen!