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    RON 95 Petrol has been introduced in Malaysia and nowadays, there are many petrol station especially Petronas and Shell already provide the RON95 grade of petrol. Here we would like to share most of the frequently ask question and facts about RON 95. we hope this article hepls you to gain some good info about the new fuel formula RON95. For those who have the experience using the RON95, share it here.

    Octane quality is one of the many properties of fuel that is often associated with power and improved engine efficiency that is measured by the international standard for fuel, RON.




    RON95 helps us to have better environment. For Example, Petronas Primax 95 meets Euro 2 emission standards and has reduced sulphur content of 500 ppm (parts per million), which makes it better for the environment

    What is RON?

      Answer : RON stands for Research Octane Number rating for unleaded petrol. It determines the petrol`s `anti-knock` quality or resistance to pre-ignition or detonation as it burns in the combustion chamber. Knocking occurs when the fuel-air mixture in the cylinder explodes instead of burning in a controlled way. This shockwave moves within the combustion chamber, and creates a metallic `pinging`. It measures the combustion properties of the fuel.

    Can all Proton & Perodua vehicles (including those with carburettor fuel system) use the RON 95 petrol?


      Answer : Yes

     I have been using RON92 petrol for my car with carburettor fuel system.  What will happen to my vehicle if I switch to RON95?

      Answer : There is no effect to your vehicle engine.

    I have been using a particular brand of RON97 petrol for my Proton & Perodua car, will the engine of my vehicle experience “knocking” when using RON95? 

      Answer : No, because all most of nowadays car engines setting allow the use of petrol with RON95 and above.

    Do I need to get the engine of my vehicle tuned, if I switch the petrol to RON95?  Do I need to add petrol additives which I can buy from auto parts shops?

      Answer : No. Not necessary.

    Will petrol additives help prevent “knocking”?

      Answer : It will depend on the additives contents.

     Can I mix the RON 95/RON97 petrol for my car? 


      Answer : Yes, there is no problem mixing the various grades of petrol.

    What is your advice for vehicles that experience engine knocking? 

      Answer : For cars that experience “knocking”, it is advisable to send them to Service Centre to check for carbon deposits in the combustion chamber and also the ignition timing.

     What do the numbers 95 and 97 mean?

      Answer : The numbers 95 and 97 represent the minimum RON value of a fuel that will prevent “engine knocking”. 


    What is “engine knocking”? 

      Answer : Engine knocking happens when fuel combusts prematurely before ignition by the spark plug, which causes a “knocking” effect, resulting in loss of power. Using the appropriate minimum RON fuel that is recommended by your vehicle manufacturer will ensure that combustion happens at the high time to avoid “engine knocking”.

    What is the minimum RON requirement for my car? 

      Answer : Your vehicle’s manual should specify what minimum RON value fuel to use. Sometimes, this information is printed on or around the refuelling cap. If unsure, please check with your vehicle manufacturer, authorised vehicle distributor or with an authorised mechanic.
    Can I use RON 95?

      Answer : That depends on your engine. Your vehicle can use RON 95 if it is designed or set for RON 95 or lower. However, the best thing to do is to check with your vehicle manufacturer, authorised vehicle distributor or with an authorised mechanic.

    What RON works best for my vehicle?

      Answer : You should always use a fuel that meets or exceeds the minimum RON recommended by the vehicle manufacturer or authorised mechanic. 

    Can I mix RON 95 with RON 97? 

      Answer : As long as the fuel meets or exceeds the minimum RON required by the engine, mixing is fine and should not damage your engine.


    In conclusion, there is no side effects of using RON95 petrol instead of RON97 but you must check first what is the minimum RON number requirement for your car in your car manual or at the fuel cap.

    Jom guna RON 95! =)

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    Pecah fiber pecah gelas, sudah baca komenlah se das! Terima kasih! =) Yg benar, Brader K Majalah Kereta Malaysia - kereta info

    30 Responses

    1. st3wp1d says:

      Okey, seems that all cars here can use petrol ron95 except (if i’m not mistaken)….

      Airtrek, Evo, Sutera, Bestari, some Peugeot, Range Rover, Swift, Tiguan

    2. kej@m says:

      tgk kt link nie..ade list kete ape yg ble pakai, kete ape yg x ble pakai..


    3. eriz says:


      aku da tgk list tu…kebanyakan kete sume bleh pkai…

    4. kej@m says:

      tula..byk kete ble pki..so pas nie ble la pki myk murah…
      tp antara ron 95 & ron 97, yg mne kurang mencemarkan alam ye..
      byk sgt artikel psl myk nie smpi pening aku bace..

      kalo ron97 kurg mencemarkan alam, baik pki ron97..

      ~Kurangkan Pencemaran. Sayangilah Bumi Kita~

    5. kdi says:

      “RON95 helps us to have better environment. For Example, Petronas Primax 95 meets Euro 2 emission standards and has reduced sulphur content of 500 ppm (parts per million), which makes it better for the environment”

      tu ada kdi dah letak ayat kat dalam artikel tu awal2.. sulphur die lai kurang lagi bagus.

    6. bob says:

      Dear All
      my car naza citra has been running on RON92 since I bought 3 months ago. In the manual stated that this car can use/run on petrol from RON91 and above without problem.
      Any comment ?

    7. awg1031 says:

      nice one KDI!!

    8. Nik says:

      ok terjawab suda permasalahan di dalam kepalaku!
      Jadi selepas ini aku akan kekal menggunakan ron95…
      syabas kdi!

    9. Huda says:

      Saya baru first time gune ron95 nie..kete viva auto..rase mcm minyak cept hbs plak..before this, ron97 (primax3) ble sampai average 15.1km/L – 17.2km/L..tp bile tukar ron95 nie, mcm mkn laju minyak turun (jalan mcm xde la byk sgt, cumenye, this time tak take note meter time isi minyak hari tue..kete baru sebulan, dah hantar service 1000km..anyone yg ade experince mcm nie?

    10. mel says:

      sebenarnya bukan lg minyak murah lg jimat perbelanjaan minyak
      kalo nk kena try kire kalau nk banding minyak ron 95 ngan 97 jgn pakai km/l
      kire pakai km/sen ke km/rm10 ke
      sbab even if some kereta ckp boleh pakai ron 95 or mmg dah try pakai tapi tade masalah
      engine tu x semestinya tgh running dgn cara pling optimum
      kadang2 engine tu akn retune ignition timimg die ( timing spark plug menyala) which will result the lost of power
      and lost of power means kite kena tekan lg byk minyak utk dpt prestasi yg same

      so banding la mcm ni.
      isi rm 10 ke RM50 Ke tgk brape jauh boleh pg
      pastu pilihla minyak yg sesuai

    11. yp says:

      Hi frens,

      Dari segi jangka masa panjang, tak sure pulak sama ada fuel RON95 akan mendatangkan apa-apa kesan terhadap enjin keta, maklumlah kita sudah lama pakai RON95 bertahun-tahun lamanya kan?…..

    12. Eder says:

      dh begitu lame pkai ron 97 tibe2 turun gred…..
      bis yg duk tulis kat penutup mnyk petrol (97 + oktana) pe gunenye……
      dh r harga sama ngn ron 97 sblm nie…..
      klau hrga lbh murah x kisah r…..
      janji tngl janji…..

    13. mel says:

      kalo kt pnutup minyak tulis 97 maknenye recommended 97 la tu

    14. Eder says:

      x de effect ke klau trun ke RON95…….
      pengeluar kereta rekemen ron97 n above…..
      jngka pendek mmg x nmpk…..jngke mase panjang….
      ari2 terisi RON92….mmg semput kete…..spark plug bis hitam….
      95 nie x tau lg……compius2

    15. mel says:

      ade effect
      effect die short term dah boleh nmpk dah
      yg semput tu la, sbenarye air fuel mixture tu meletup sblom spark plug menyala
      time tu piston tgh naik ke atas lg
      kire energy dari pembakaran tu berlaga ngan piston yg tgh naik tu (mcm accident head to head la)
      so boleh effect kat piston ngan con rod
      kalo normal piston tu dakat atas baru mixture meletup, so die tolak piston tu pgi bwh( mcm sepak bola la)
      tu je function utama ron rating ni,tanak bagi minyak meletup sblom spark plug menyala
      so klau manual suggest 97 baik ltak 97 je, kdg2 boleh ltak lg rendah, tpi engine tu maybe akn lost power atau knocking

    16. Norman says:

      Kete baru memang mcm tu cik Huda,Cuba lihat selepas 4000km ok tak

    17. son says:

      ok sa jenis org yg jln arah yg sama, keadaaan jln yg sma, waktu, masa yg sama and dari isnin-jumaat.. Biasa kancil mata bulat (umur kreta baru setahun lebih) sa 1 tank ron 97 boleh jln 380-400km with on a/c and tampa sebarang pengubahsuaian.. semua part masi ori.. dah keluar ron95 perjalanan saya cuma boleh capai 340-360 and cara saya jalan tetap sama.. bagi pendapat saya ron95 sama seperti ron 92 kerana ron95 bnyk gas.. ron97 kurang gas..

      ni cuma pendapat saya ja..tak de maksd lain..

    18. yob says:

      rase mmg ron95 ni minyak die mcm cepat abes la…pki kat kancil….skejap jek meter minyak turun…

    19. diana says:

      hi….u all i nk pandapat dari u all,kalau honda city model tahun 03 pakai ron 95 ada side effects x?i takut nanti total lose plak….

    20. cayxic says:

      Yes, I noticed that my km drop when using Ron 95. I’m the person who is really curious about money..Normally I fill in RM 50 , my car has no problem to reach up to ~300 km..but using this Ron 95 its drop till difference ~50 km…?????

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