Today, we would like to share some information on how to get back your vehicles if seized by the JPJ/RTD.What can you do to get your vehicle’s back?Let’s read some information from Road Transport Department below.
Under Section 64 (1) Road Transport Act 1987, Road Transport officer may seize a vehicle for the purpose of identifying the identity of the driver, the identity of the vehicle or to stop an offense from continuing.
Vehicles seized by RTD can be claimed / released when the matter was resolved following: –
1. Once the identity of the driver or vehicle has been identified
2. Offenses were dismissed
3. Summonses have been issued
4. Released by the court.
Seized vehicle will be released to the parties concerned as follows: –
1. The owner / registered owner
2. Institute of Finance (if not claimed by owners within the prescribed period)
3. Government agencies like the Police / Customs
4. The person authorized under the Administrator
For vehicles of those eligible to claim the vehicle was
1. Director
2. General Manager
3. Secretary
4. Officers who are appointed / authorized
Registered owner and the claimant must present to the RTD to claim the vehicle to bring together the following documents:
1. Original Registration Card
2. MFIs and insurance valid
3. Driving License is valid and remains in force
4. Identity Card
5. Original permit (for commercial vehicle / driving school)
6. Form 49 (for internal use)
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