Pivot Mega Raizin voltage stabilizer is the most popular and reliable VS available in the market. But be carefull not to buy an imitation or non original Pivot VS. This is a simple note on how to detect if the Pivot VS is original or not. Only the Genuine Voltage Stabilizer will gives positive effect on your car performance. Voltage stabilizer cost around RM50 is surely not the genuine.
1 The fake goods have poor quality that could lead to car malfunction.
2 The fake goods are not guaranteed at all. No claims and returns are accepted.
Please purchase the PIVOT products from authorized dealers to ensure that you get the genuine item.
1.Check the marking on the condensers.
The genuine PIVOT has a “K” marking, while the imitation has a “+” marking.
the genuine PIVOT Imitation
2.Check the printing on the fuses.
The genuine PIVOT has a clear “15” print, while the imitation has no clear printing on the fuses.
the genuine PIVOT Imitation
3.Check the production lot sticker on the bottom of the box.
The genuine PIVOT have the production lot sticker.
the genuine PIVOT Imitation
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