This post is for us to share opinion regarding Car Club in Malaysia. The car club including same model, mixed model, category model, motorsports and modification club. What is your opinion and suggestion about those club?
Car club is a good medium for us to share useful info regarding car maintenance and modification. It also act as a platform to gather Car Fans to have a fun activities among themself. Overall, there are many positive point when you join the car club in Malaysia.

Some people thought that members of a car club is like “samseng” and have a group of gangster. Well actually the fact, it isn’t. In Malaysia, most car club is formed under a peacefull and fun objective. Some of us afraid to join any car club to avoid unhealthy activities and don’t want to be in a group like gangster just like what usually displayed in the Malay Film about illegal race etc.
How to know the car club is good and dont have any illegal activities? Most of car club in Malaysia is registered as a formal club. Especially the club that is formed as a same model car fans. Like Lancer GT Club, PROSBOC for Saga BLM, EOCM for Exora and K2OC for Kelisa and Kenari.
It is highly suggested that you join a car club when you have a car especially new car to learn and share how to do maintenance, repair any problem, getting cheaper car parts and get new friends.
Jom komen!