A hybrid is the combination of two or more different things, aimed at achieving a particular objective or goal. So when we hear the term hybrid car this means that the car uses two different power source, mainly the internal combustion engine and electric motor. And the goal for the hybrid engine is to reduce the fuel consumption and to reduce emission.
A lot of hybrid car such as the Honda Civic Hybrid uses an IMA- Integrated Motor Assist system. The engine will have two different power sources.But most of the time they will work together. IMA means that the motor will assist the internal combustion engine to reduce the workload of the engine. This in turn will make the car more fuel efficient and faster as well.
There are basically three mode of operation. The first and most frequent one is when the motor is running together with the engine, so the load is divided by the two sources. And at a certain condition, the engine will be shut off and the car will run in the eletric motor only motor. And at a certain condition, the engine will be used to recharge the motor battery pack.
To furthermore increase the fuel efficiency, the engine is normally equipped with a Vtec or i-Vtec. This is to ensure power by the engine is high all over the rpm range. With a correct power at the correct rpm plus an integrated motor assisted system, you’ll one heck of a efficient car withour sacrificing its performance
Provided below is a video explaining about the IMA- Integrated Motor Assist which is used in the Honda Civic Hybrid engine.
[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmDkc8SEvwc 425 344]
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