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    Who want to go inside this ambulance? This is the interior of one ambulance in UK.

    Last Monday, some of our KDI family members talk about Ambulance car.They also talk about the place where we can find and buy the Ambulance car. So today, we will post that topic to you all but in the different way.In Malaysia, Police already got the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 10 as their patrol car.So, how about the ambulance? Do we need the powerful ambulance to send the patient to the hospital? Sounds funny right?.Maybe we don’t need that.

    It is so common in Malaysia that every time there is an ambulance, there will be a car which will tailgate the ambulance.Probably they are the family members of the patient.But their act was wrong.They can’t do that because it is so dangerous.

    What is purpose of the Ambulance?

    Ambulance is a vehicle used to carry medical equipment to help patients in the emergency situations and also to carry the patients to the hospital for futher treatment.

    Below are the pictures of ambulance that we can find at the other countries and also Malaysia.


    This is the common ambulance used by Malaysian Hospital.


    Is it real? What kind of patient that this ambulance can carry?


    Fastest ambulance in the world? Equipped with jet engine?


    New ambulance cars are planned to be used for service  in the parts of Russian with the roads like this.


    This bus ambulance maybe used to carry many patients.


    Common ambulance in the US.


    Old ambulance.Looks like a car which was converted to be an ambulance.


    This ambulance is different colour with the other ambulance because it is the army ambulance.


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    17 Responses

    1. apa2 ajer says:

      yg ambulan plg laju tu brp dia punya bhp, tork? gila la siap berapi2

    2. kej@m says:

      mcm tau jer sape yg ckp ambulans tu..hehe…
      xpe²..nnt aku wat kete aku mcm ambulans..kaler dh putih dh..haha…
      siap ade strobe(betul ke eja die nie) light lg…haha..

    3. kdi says:

      haha.. akhirnya post ni terkena batang idung orang tu.. kui2.. aah.. btol la tu eja strobe.

    4. kej@m says:

      cehh..nie mmg kes nk kenekan aku la nie…
      hampeh punye KDI..

    5. iz says:

      kan aritu ko ckp kete ko nk pasang siren..jd mcm ambulans..pastu…snang sikit nak jd marshall klu konvoi….hehe Ni ha ambulans2 yg ko boleh tiru style tok ko cat kete ko..hehe.. Lawak je..=) peace.. Esok maybe ade post tok kenekan Lily, achik, juju, nizu and semua family KDI yg gurl2 lak..=)

    6. black evia says:

      mhal la klu pasang lampu siren tue..n blh ke?..
      jpj x kacau ke?..

    7. kej@m says:

      mmg pun aku nk psg…bende tu xla mhl sgt..dlm 60 lebih jer..kt kl nie aku xtau la mne nk cr..
      tp kalo kt johor tu senang je nk cari bende² mcm tu…
      xsbr aku nk tgk ape yg korg nk kene kan gurl² ni plak..

    8. iz says:

      Kalau lampu siren yg bulat kat atas kete tu..ok jer..sebab bkn nye pakai slalu kan..pkai time konvoi…tapi kalau lampu kelip2 kanan kiri kat headlamp tu memang xboleh la…kalau nak pasang siren macam kete marshall boleh je..mase kat UPSI aritu ade satu kete iswara merah yang masuk p’tandingan..pasang siren tu..pemilik kete tu memang polis la.. Em..kete penganjur Autoshow UPSI tu pun pkai siren gak..kire die pnah jd marshall bab2 konvoi la…

    9. kej@m says:

      xmhl la lampu tu black..cube search dlm mudah..ble survey harge kt dlm tu..aku plan nk pki yg bulat tu jer…
      senang..xnk pki leh simpan jer..kalo ade polis/jpj, jgn gatal pasang mende tu sume..silap² ble kene sita kete tu nnt..
      polis mmg hangin ngan kete² yg ade bende tu sume..
      lampu kelip² tu, kalo nk selamat, jgn satukan dgn suis lampu..buat suis lain utk die jer..

    10. Joko says:

      Kah kah kah… !! Gelak buat Kejam…. yg tayar besor “Calgary” tu sesuai buat ko, tapi berapa lah mamat cuci kereta tuh nak caj kat ko, tayar sebijik ajer dah abis 10 baldi air….

    11. kej@m says:

      hampeh punye joko…hehe..
      ni hari ko la yg sebut ambulans nie…haha..
      dh terkene aku..adeh..t’kono pakcik…haha..

    12. Joko says:

      Tak pe kejam, keta ni ko boleh buat amal. kalau ada mana2 mangsa kemalangan ko jumpa dalam perjalanan bolehlah beri bantuan, CPR ker ape2 ker semua barang lengkap ada.. kui kui kui

      Lepas tu, dia punya strobo scope punch light pun, boleh halau mat rempit kat jalanan, mesti dia ingat polis punya.. hee hee

      Komdian, yg ada katil tu, kalau merajuk ngan bini, tak ada hal boleh tidur sendirian aman damai kat dalam tuh…
      he hee cukup lah, kalau bab nyakat ni.. memang lauk aku lah…

    13. black evia says:

      tp klu lampu yg cam keta polis tue plak?..
      ratus2 jgk reganya kn?..ala yg mcm polis peronda pkai tue… klip2 biru..
      klu ltak kt bLm tue pehh!! meleleh..
      klu kej@m lalu sblah aku,aku eskod je dia dr blakang la..
      buat cam polis slalu ckp tue..
      beri laluan.. ketepi-ketepi..;-)black nk lalu..hahaha..

      slap2 bkn aku eskod korng,tp korang yg eskod aku adala..
      kang sesat2 ntah, pusing2 tmpat sama jgk..

      emm.. aku + skit,klu dia pkai baldi xper..
      tp klu dia ambik air lombong buat cuci.. ntah cam ner la jd nya nti..;-)

    14. kej@m says:

      oo..korg..pakat kenekan aku plak ye…
      xpe²..aku layankan jer..ape ade hal…
      joko, nnt sampai time ko kene, siap la ko..si black evia
      dh kene cukup² dh..nk bg lagi ,takut xlarat plak kang die nk tepis…

    15. iz says:

      Hehe..ala..sekali sekala kenakan kwn2..aritu kej@m & joko da knekan blackevia..ni tok knekan kej@m lak..
      yang untuk knekan gurl2 especially lily ngan achik pun da ade dah..hehe.. tinggal utk Joko lak..ngah nak carik point untuk kenekan Joko lak..
      [email protected] mintak eskod tu…hehe..ketepi2..black nak lalu..=)

      betul gak tu..Haha..aritu kat Tupai da sesat da..hehe..

    16. kej@m says:

      hehe..okeh²..meh sini aku eskot kot black..ko nk g mne black…
      nk anta org rumah bersalin ker..oppss..lom lg eh…haha..

    17. Lily says:

      Neno..neno..neno…tet,tet,tet..kreta kej@m nk lalu bg laluan,bg laluan..

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