Owning classic cars and motorcycles is not an expensive hobby. Maintaining them also is not expensive. This hobby really give satisfaction to the owner of the classic cars. Read the detail news from Bernama below:-
Owning classic cars, motorcycles and maintaining them can be an expensive hobby but it certainly is not a time or money wasting hobby as it gives the owner pride and satisfaction in owning them.
For businessman Douglas Joseph, 46, owning a classic car is a very satisfying hobby because not everyone can own a classic car.
“I feel proud when someone stops me on the road just to enquire about my classic car,” he told Bernama when met at a promotion campaign for the Petronas Malaysian F1 Grand Prix.
Douglas who owns a 1957 model Opel GT and Triumph TV3 said he had been using his classic cars for the past 20 years and never had second thoughts about switching to new makes or model cars in the market.
“I only use my classic cars for leisure driving during weekends or when required to be part of a classic car convoy,” he said.
He denied notions that maintaining classic cars was difficult and expensive.
“Every week, I allocate one day to clean or do minor maintenance,” he said.
Asri Yusoff, 38, the proud owner of a 1951, Norton Dominator model 7 motorcycle, said he took pride in being the sole owner of such a model in the klang valley.
“Since my school days, I had dreamt of owning such a motorcycle after watching old western movies. When I grew up and my business started doing well, I was able to own one and that gives me pure satisfaction,” said Asri from Terengganu.
He added that in Malaysia, there were only four model 7 bikes manufactured by the Norton Motorcycle company.
“The 497cc motorcycles torque and vroom power attracts immediate attention wherever I go and even when we go as a convoy, there is a special kind of attention towards my bike,” said Asri who bought the machine for RM1,000 in 2002 and spent about RM18,000 for restoration and modification.
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