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    Yesterday I have visited Pekan Rawang and found that there are so many sport rims shops offering among the cheapest price of sport rims in Selangor. Compare to Kedai Tayar Papan at Klang, the tyre shop here offer lesser choice of rim design in one shop but different design in every shop. So you need to survey all the rims shop there.


    What i have found out is the trade in price is higher than other sport rims seller offer. A new 14″ stock sport rims can be trade in with the tyres for up to RM900 per set. So if you want to upgrade to 16″ sport rims for your newly bought car that have 14″ original rims already for example rim saga blm, you just need to add another RM800 only for 16″ sport rims.




    To trade in an old stock rims (rim besi) and tyre also can get higher price like they will offer up to RM200 for stock rim kancil. Most of sport rims shop will offer lesser than RM100 for rim original kancil and around RM500 for trade in original rim saga BLM 14″. The price for 16″ rim is aroung RM1000 to RM1200, price for 14″ sport rims is from RM550 to RM750, price/ harga 15″ sport rim is RM 700 to RM900 and the price of 17 inches spot rim is around RM1400.


    To go there, just go to Pekan Rawang near the Giant and Parkson Shopping Complex there, you will found a round about to go to Ipoh using old road, around there are many sport rim shop.


    Ok this matter may be confusing for some of us who did not know anything about car but i try to make it simple and state the most important point here.

    Firstly, make your own survey about where is the cheapest sport rim shop area. Then go there to take some picture of some of the rim design that you feel may fit into your car. Compare all the design to suit your car. Usually, white sport rims is good for white car, dark gold sport rims is good for black car and silver/chrome suit for any colour.




    What is the most common beautiful sport rim that people will search? It will be the one with lips (bibir) where the outer part of the rims is protruding out, black painted on the inner part of the rims, have longer spoke or rims “stick/batang” from center of the rim to the outer of the rims. But again its all depends on your car if it suitable or not. Usually for expensive and lower height car like Proton Perdana, Wira or Waja, it is more suitable with 5 spoke sport rims while for higher height car like Perodua Myvi and Kenari, it is more suitable to fit in many spoke sport rims.

    For the tyres, don’t worry, you will find out the exact suitable new tyres when you ask the mechanic at the tyre shop but basically, when you change to new bigger sport rims, you will need a thiner tyres which means low profile tyres. What is the correct and suitable size to upgrade a sport rim? Usually 1″ to 3″ upgrade is good. 3″ higher radius will sometimes give you problems with the pick up of your car and your tyre will hit or sangkut to body of your car due to its longer width.




    Talking about width or bukaan rim/ tayar, usually it is stamped on the sport rims like 14x5j, 16x7j, 15x6j etc. It is basically a mark to indicate your sport rim size (radius in inches) times the width of the sport rims in inches. Sport rims usually have wider dimension compare to original rims. So this is the cause of your tyre touching or sebab tayar sangkut on your body fender. Some of the solution may be to put a buffer or getah pelapik 1″ to 4″ height to prevent it happen or some of the car owner will knock the body fender to give space for tyres but this is not recommended. Another solution is to put sport spring which cost around RM300 with sport suspension. But the effect of sport spring and suspension will be stiffer, the suspension will be not bouncy and better handling.

    To buy a sport rims, after you have survey all the design that suits your car, try to get a cheaper price. First ask about bigger rims as if you have a bigger car there at home. And say that if you give best price i will bring my other car here soon. Well, just a simple trick =). Ask for the price of one set. Usually the price is included with free installation but you need to add another RM40 for filling port valve and RM80 for sport rim nut. To buy cheaper new sport rims, you can buy with second hand tyres which will cost you around RM200 only for one set if you dont have the budget to buy the new one at that time. Then ask the price of trade in your stock tyre with original rims. Usually around RM200 they will take for normal rim besi. But for original sport rim, it depends on the size and your tyre thread (bunga tayar).





    After you have found the cheapest price, try to bargain and the last word will be “If I can have this xxx price, I will buy it now” Then the tauke will start to “geleng kepala” and say “ok la..” =). The the new sport rims change will take you around 30 minutes. Make sure they do all the balancing of the tyres before installation and ask them to polish the tyres if you buy the second hand tyres.

    I think that’s all for now and i hope this tips can help you a bit on how to buy a new sport rims / bagaimana beli sport rim baru kereta. Any question i will try to answer on the comment section below.

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    Pecah fiber pecah gelas, sudah baca komenlah se das! Terima kasih! =) Yg benar, Brader K Majalah Kereta Malaysia - kereta info

    55 Responses

    1. kej@m says:

      adoi…apasal la sprot rim nie sume cantik²…hmm…

    2. kambenk38 says:

      Rawang ngan klang mne ag murah ek??
      Rim17′ aggaran sane bape??

    3. iz says:

      Weh..ko g tkar sportrims xbgtau aku eh…ko g dkt2 area balai polis tu kan?? kan?..hehe..aku memg slalu lalu jln tu..sbln 3kali lalu..hehe td aku siap belek2 lg sportrim kete ko..hehe..ko tmbah spacer kat belakang eh? aku pn rase nak tmbah gak..hehe..satu pun ckup la..

      Antare rawang ngan klang..rawang..harga lebih kurang sama..tgok ko duduk dkt ngan area mane la..cuma kat rawang..xbyk pilihan dlm setiap kedai..tp memang byk kedai sportrim area balai polis n mydin rawang..aku da pnah tnye harga kt 2 kdai rawang..harga lbih kurang sama kat klang..tp bergantung pada jnis tayar n sportrim mane yg ko ske..tp kt rawang memang byk kdai..so diorg bersaing sesama sendiri utk tarik pelanggan..hehe

    4. brat2104 says:

      huhu..nak tukar rim gak… tapi xreti nk tawar…

    5. iz says:

      try la ikut cara yg KDI cakap kat dlm post nh..hehe “If I can have this xxx price, I will buy it now” Then the tauke will start to “geleng kepala” and say “ok la..” =)

    6. mat kacau says:

      skang kt klang bkan kedai papan lagi tapi menara papan.. klang still the best. dari 12 inch smpai 19 inch. klo g tngkt atas skali berlambak sport 2nd.
      1st floor new sport rims
      2nd floor tyre
      3rd floor tyre
      4th floor 2nd sport rims
      klo nk lagi murah jumpe trus dgn tauke die. name tauke tu panjang. jgn jumpe dak2 pekeje die…

    7. kdi says:


      haha.. tukar sport rim senyap2 sudeyh.. ala.. x bajet pon.. ingat nak usha untuk kdi reader pasal ramai gak yang cakap kedai kat rawang murah.. tu yang pergi tengok nak buat report nih.. sekali ade satu kedai tu offer murah gler seyh.. gua pon angkat tanpa segan silu..hu2.. dahla kaler putih.. adeyh.. mane x cair.. x plan pon.. yang best nye kat sane rim sume ringan gler.. aku try2 angkat sume kualiti macam bagus. compare ngan kedai lain, memang banyak beza.. skang drive pon dah sedap n rasa ringan je sebab rim ringan walaupun lebih besar.

      yang utk elakkan tayar sangkut sebab rim besar tu bukan spacer or buffer.. tu getah pelapik tambah tinggi.. Bleh check post ni utk info:


      Kepada sesiapa yang nak beli sport rim, kedai kat klang ngan rawang ni lebih kurang je.. cume kat klang jalan kapar tu lebih meriah la ramai giler orang tukar rim. Kat rawang ni x sibuk so nak tukar rim tu cepat je.. anyway, jalan2 dulu compare harga n design rim kat klang n rawang baru best..

    8. jijoy_09 says:

      hehehehe… member aku smp 6 kali tuka rim kt rawang….
      kbyakkan rim kt rawang dr taiwan, so up 2 u all…..
      x sume rim taiwan tu xde kualiti….

    9. kej@m says:

      agk² rim 17″ kt rawang tu ade dlm RM1800 – RM2000 tak?…
      aku hr tu ade terbekenan kt 1 rim tu..harge RM2300..kalo tread-in tyr skrg, cmpur tyr yokohama, die bg RM2k jer…
      tp tu kt johor jaya la…
      lg 1, kt sne, harge tyr utk 17″ 205, 45 bape ye…
      tyr die bg aku RM310 hr tu…

    10. nuar says:

      rim sukan ni kalau xde duit bleh buat lauk tak??…
      ekonomi melesit mcm ni..masih nk membazir rm.simpan dlm bank ke,.tabung haji ke kan bagus.

    11. kej@m says:

      nape plak x boleh…rebus je la rim tu ngan tayar die skali..nnt tayar tu dh empuk, ble la mkn…
      hehe…gurau jer…btul ko ckp tu nuar…x di nafikan…tp aku nk gak..

    12. azman says:

      juz nk tnye ade x care alternatif nk setelkan sport rim bocor..
      cm ade lubang2 kecik kuar angin dr surface rim tu..
      ni la kesan sampingan bli rim taiwan,,
      so better check it first!!!

    13. Jauhari says:

      Tuan-tuan, saya pakai Naza Ria murah yg rim besi tu. Cadang nak tukar pakai spot rim 16 ke 17 ke. Mintak tolong cadang kat mana kedai yg terbaik, complete dgn tayar semua how much it cost. Ada nak kena tambah apa-apa lagi tak on top of that mcm bushing utk filling the gap etc. Atau… ada sapa2 @ kawan2 kita yg bercadang nak lego spot rim sedia ada tu, boleh la jugak kita buat kira. Teng Q.

    14. kdi says:


      pergi je ke rawang tu n tanya la segala ape nak tanya. kompem dorang bleh jawab. kui2.. yang paling bagus setakat ni kat rawang la.

    15. nazmi says:


      letak la pulak kedai2 yg murah utk kawasan selatan, timur, utara.. kalau ada list kedai setiap negeri yg murah ag ok

    16. azameel says:

      ape kate ko pon tolong survey skali??
      boleh kongsi2

    17. Lily says:

      Fuyoo..ade org tuka spotrim kale putih..:-)

    18. kej@m says:

      sape tu ly..

    19. black evia says:

      ye btl sape tu yg tuko lily??..

    20. adlin says:

      hai geng rim je ader?
      wa tgh cari keta murah dalam rm 20 je ada x?

    21. zacko says:

      salam…sy tgh cari sport rim bmw 3 series….brp harga sekali ngan tyr erh…harap2 kwn blh tlg…

    22. zacko says:

      salam…sy tgh cari sport rim bmw 3 series….brp harga sekali ngan tyr erh…harap2 kwn blh tlg…

    23. husnuanuar says:

      sya kerja d kucing ,tp asal smnjung.sya bru tukar rim17 trmsuk tye falken bru selepas tread-in tyre n rim lama kos nye rm3200.
      rim yg sya beli brand lenso samurai 17″ harganya d sini rm2900.kemuskilan sya dcni ialah kalau d klang or rawang brape yng saya boleh dapat.
      bertuah korang kt smnanjung

    24. kery says:

      salam… sy nak tanyer honda eg2 tahun 1992 sedan klu nak masuk rim 16” , tayar 205 x 50 sagat body tak? harap kawan2 dpt membantu. tima kasih

    25. brat2104 says:

      soalan org x reti…

      kenari saya rim 13″.. basic la kot.. ada org cadangkan tukar 14″.. sebenarnye, apa kelebihan rim 13″ dgn 14″ ni?

    26. brat2104 says:

      uh..uh..sy ni bawa kereta biasa je… n hepi klu leh jimat minyak..huhuhu…mana sport rim yg terbaik..?

    27. Eder says:

      de sape2 nk jual spot rim….
      rim 14 o 15..
      harga lelong….hahaha

    28. Eder says:

      nk tnye nie…
      kt rawang spotrim 15 2nd bape agk2…..tuk myvi punye…
      de sape2 leh bri informasi ckit……
      klau murah b’baloi r p beli kt sne….
      nk save bajet….gne 2nd dlu

    29. NH says:

      do they sell the new MYVI SE sport rim?

      i hit on something n one of my tyre n rim totally trash.
      MYVI pepple quote me approx. RM 800 for a new rim n tire.

    30. NH says:

      actually.. secondhand rim will do…

    31. akmd says:

      ade jual x rim 15″ yg ringan gle tu.. angkat ngan kelingking pon boleh?? bape hrge kalau trade in ngan sport rim BLM?

    32. deathacker says:

      Saya nak tanya..
      saya pki kete iswara, tapi takde pki rim.. standard je..
      ingat nak tukar..
      Klu rim 13 brape harga ye?? sbb br lg dalam dunia kereta ni..
      untuk lg lawa patut pki saiz apa ye??

    33. tenukzz says:

      tayar yg sesuai untuk kelisa kalo nak pakai rim 14′ inch berapa ha?
      kalo nk tolak rim 13′ kelisa original skali tayar biasa berape kedai ambik?
      lg 1..kalo kelisa warne gold brown kaler rim ape sesuai..colour ni cam orang tua la….

    34. edyes says:

      rim saya skarang nie 18″, brand kosei, ringan. Tapi tak larat la nak pakai 18 utk kereta waja. then saya nak tukar rim16. agak2 berapa org kedai tu leh ambik trade in? bunga tayar tak elok dah, sebijik jer tayar cantik.

      saya takut tersalah beli rims..

      taiwan punyer tak bagus kan? so, ada sesapa boleh recomend brand rim yang tahan, susah nak bengkok ke… (dan harga around 1k untuk rim16)

      saya nak beli kat rawang, cuma risau la takut dapat rim yang cepat rosak. (atau elok saya pergi ke kelang sahaja?)

      ada lagi satu soklan tambahan, pada siapa yang sudi jawab lah.

      tayar silverstone evol8 tu ok ke? ada bad complaint ke..??

      terima kasih kerana sudi tolong saya.

    35. hazri99 says:

      member eden baru beli rim kat kedai rawang nih.. betul la manyak murah wo… rim vip biibir tebal cuma rm1400.. rim baru tayar 2nd la.. kira ok la tuh.. 17 tuh…

    36. iz says:

      aku baru je lalu pekan rawang dalam pukul 5 suku td….sje jln2.. tgok pnuh kete kat setiap kdai sportrim.. dulu pekan rawang xdela meriah dgn sportrim murah2..tapi sekarang da mcm cendawan tumbuh..sebab byk kedai2 baru bukak..

      ko ingat x brader yg pkai kancil mira loco mase autoshow upsi aritu…kaler biru n putih..yg cerita kat kiter pasal sportrim kete die yang baru tukar..pastu dlm kete die pasang radio lama.. pastu die ckp memg nak sgt jmpe kdi..
      aku jmpe die da 2 kali kat kwsn bazar@pasar@bekas tapak funfair yg dkt2 ngan belakang mydin rawang…die jual barang2 kancil & mira kat bazar tu…isteri die jual selipar..lawa2 gakla selipar tu..

    37. Aloyzam says:

      firm aku nak g rawang.. thanks KDI..

    38. edyes says:

      Saya dah beli rim baru kat Rawang 2 hari lepas.

      pasal rim saya puas hati, tapi yang hati tak puas ialah saya espect tayar yang elok skit sekurang2nya silverstone evol8. Tapi saya dapat tayar wanli(sunny) sahaja.

      ok ke tayar sunny-wanli nie? ada komen?

    39. madi906 says:

      Good review man!
      Never thought that Rawang got cheaper+high trade-in value than Kedai Papan.

      i’m about to receive my persona (HL Genetic Silver) and i plan to purchase sport rim to replace the stock rim. What are the characteristics of the sport rim would you suggest for my car? my lack of creativity brain would like to try black sport rim (one color only) and maybe 16″ 5 spokes rim. Please man, your expertise is needed here! :D :D

    40. mulow says:

      Bro, macamana da nk gi pekan rawang ni punya kedai sport rim ?
      Tak details la location yg bro bgtau…

      Teringin gk nk tukar dari rim 15″ ke 16/17″…hehe :D

    41. paan says:

      Nice Bro.. Your post really helpful

    42. alang says:

      ader saper2 dah tukar rim stndard nissan livina ke rim lain 16 ker…17 ker….mana kedai yg amik tinggi kalau trad in..area bangi ker ..serdang ker..kalau ader..

    43. ijat says:

      rim old school tak de jual ke kat rawang nih..mcm mesh type ke, watanabe ke???

    44. afeq9927 says:

      boleh je gne 16…cbe try cri rim yg agk light weight mcm brand BRM, P1 Racing, PRO RACE, K-SPEED, TE37, SSR, ADVAN RG,or WORK EMOTION..aduh ade byk lg..kalo leh angkt rim gne 2 jari…ringan la tu..gne jari pn boley……..
      kalo xnk,wat mcm prince dmax,tukar ke standard blek..abis cte…

    45. Mad says:

      Vossen pun dah banyak pattern skrg. Member trade-in stock rim BLM aritu dpt rm300 sekali tayar.

    46. ezadora says:

      Rim 4 wheel ada ke

    47. farish says:

      hye..Assalam…kalau sy nk tolak rim advance 17″…dgn tayar michelin sport pilot 3..agk2 brape boleh dapat eh??? pastu nk tny pendapat..sportrim brand ape g yg match dgn honda civic FD??tq ats krjasama…

    48. Ady Ismail says:

      Kereta persona memang bagus. saya dah guna sejak tahun 2009. Memang tak ada masalah. Saya sangat berpuashati. Sekarang petrol lagi jimat hingga 45% bila saya guna v1 fuel booster. Sungguh menakjubkan!

    49. Ady Ismail says:

      Sport rim kat Rawang juga murah. Hari tu saya trade in rim utk savvy saya di kedai kat Rawang. Memang sangat berbaloi. Datanglah ke Rawang.

    50. sam says:

      Bro ..is there any bigger rim than 17″ ..coz im looking for bigger rim for my pick up..

    51. kdi says:

      Sam, yes.. do search n make survey

    52. theenish says:

      sy ade rim original honda accord 2014.baru pakai 1 bln.sekali tayar.RM 1800.

    53. theenish says:

      contact num 0166849413.

    54. Arif says:

      Saya baru beli kereta myvi yg jenis baru tu 1.5h . Saya nak tahu harga sportrim sekali tayar klau kedai cik ambik berape ?

    55. Law says:

      Saya nak cari belakang seat hyundai starex sesiapa ada tolong call tel no 0165322187 tq

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