- Latest in kereta dot info Malaysia :


    Changan Berjaya already launched 2 new car model from China which is called Chana Era CV6 and Chana Era CM8. The name sounds weird right? Maybe it is hard for Malaysian to accept China made vehicle in Malaysia. But slowly, it will take over the cheap car market in Malaysia and be a good competitor to our local car manufacturer like Perodua and Proton. With this good competition, we will have better & more choice and good quality cars.



    from bernama and btimes

    Changan Berjaya Auto Sdn Bhd, which assembles and distributes Chana motor vehicles in Malaysia, plans to sell 5,000 units this year despite the global economic slowdown.

    Its chief executive officer, Datuk Tony Khor, said the two models, Chana Era CV6 (compact vehicle) and Chana Era CM8 (multi-purpose vehicle), which debuted in the local market today, were attractive due to its affordable prices.

    Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak, launched the two vehicles here today.

    Khor said the company planned to make Malaysia the assembly hub for Changan in the region, particularly Association of South-East Asian Nations, with emphasise on right-hand-drive market.

    He said this would be done on a joint venture basis with Changan Automobile Co, the manufacturer of Chana brand, which would provide technical expertise.

    “We will be signing a few memorandums of understanding with several foreign parties at the end of this month to export these cars,” he told reporters at a media briefing recently.

    Khor said the company planned to export about 5,000 units by middle of this year.

    Meanwhile, Changan Berjaya executive director, Datuk Francis Lee, said among the countries the company was eyeing were Thailand and Indonesia.

    “We think sales of about 10,000 to 15,000 units will be ideal before we invest in a plant here. We will monitor the situation within these 18 months before making a decision,” he said.

    The company has so far invested about RM10 million for its operation, he said.


    Chana Era CV6 and CM8, which are targeted at first-time car buyers and those who have small businesses, offer Italian designs, Japanese technology and German engineering.

    Chana Era CV6 price sells at RM36,862 (on-the-road) and Chana Era CM8 at RM37,717 (on-the-road).

    Changan Berjaya Auto is a 51 percent subsidiary of Berjaya Group Bhd and has been licensed by Changan Automobile to manufacture, assemble and distribute the Chana brand motor vehicles in Malaysia.

    ChangAn, which owns the remaining 49 per cent stake in Changan Berjaya, is the fourth largest carmaker in China.

    It is expected to sell about 900,000 units in 2008, up from about 857,690 million in the previous year.

    The firm can produce up to 1.5 million cars a year from 11 plants in China with assets of some RM20 billion.

    It has 40,000 staff and presence in 45 countries.

    Changan Berjaya is banking on the CV6 and CM8’s “chic Italian design, advanced Japanese technology and exacting German engineering” to drive sales.

    “This combination, backed by our promise of complete peace of mind, has produced a very affordable car which Malaysians will buy because they want to, not because they have to. We hope to sell 3,000 units of the Era CV6 and 2,000 units of the CM8,” Khor said.

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    Pecah fiber pecah gelas, sudah baca komenlah se das! Terima kasih! =) Yg benar, Brader K Majalah Kereta Malaysia - kereta info

    42 Responses

    1. khoirul says:

      sungguh pelik bentuk rupa mu

    2. najib says:

      saya mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza, bagi chana mpv nampak anggun dan menarik macam toyota alphard. jadi siapa yang mengidam nak naik alphard tapi tak ade duit bolehlah beli chana era mpv. baguieh

    3. kej@m says:

      xbrape menarik dan pelik la…

    4. Dr newcity says:

      kalu najib kate chana cm toyota alphard, sy plak nmpk cm toyota estima 2.0 year 2004…adik bongsu die kut nie…hehehe

    5. braderlu says:

      brader pikir la, kalo body kiut miut seswai la naik mpv ni.. cam famili brader ni nampak gayanya, dak muat jugak!

    6. M.K.LINGESWARAN says:

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      Its me linges I from selangor,,,
      I would like to know which dealer I can booking this Chana CM8 model?
      Its this model available for auto transmission?
      I need the dealer contact number and address
      I m interest buying this car and how long I must wait for this car if I booking now,

      I will wait for your email,,

      Thank you,
      Best Regards,

    7. Eqien says:

      cantik lah tu… padan ler dgn harga dia..
      la ni orang pakai keta kecik2 je.. kurangkan jem.

    8. dekcu says:

      sesuai la dgn harga dia,,,,abis harga nak bwh 40k,,tp nak kereta mcm harga lbh 100k….bleh pkr la sendiri,,,,org bodoh je kata rugii……

    9. obey says:

      boleh bagi kat mane showroom chana di johor bahru…?
      teringin la tegok lebih dekat..
      kalau berkenan nak gak beli,,,

    10. wan says:

      chanan siapa dealer di kota bharu,kelantan,tq

    11. Dior says:

      kesian…ramai suker Chana ni termasuk saya…tapi sumer xtau maner nk book & ngn saper nk deal…saya pon xtau.yg saya tau blh tgk kete ni kat ties square entrance.

    12. zairul says:

      eh ok la keta nih….leh bawak keluarga ramai2 skit..cam aku keluarga besar…bini 2 anak dah 9..adeh!!dapat tambah keta cam nih kan bagus..murah skit….leh tambah bini lagi kalau cam nih..akakakkaka

    13. karim says:

      Minggu lepas kewe gi Giant kelana Jaya…sebelah Chana booth proton saga..kewe cuba tekan body CV6 dengan SAGA..berbeza…SAGA sah2 tin MILO..CV6 completely lebih kuat material dia..tapi quality keseluruhan kewe xleh nak ckp..sebab x test drive..

    14. nyiormuda says:

      aha..ahaa..ahaa…. tambah lagi koleksi kete murah kat malaysia….
      ini namanyer good competition… the best man win…
      pada aku bagus juger ader bayank kete2 murah ni… barulah rakyat dapat merasa naik kete…
      cantik tu satu subjektyif matter.. ikut selera7 bajet masing2… kalu dah hati berkenan.. lautan api sanguo ku renangi…
      aku pun nok angkat satu….

    15. ridzuan says:

      Salam semua pada members yang ingin beli changan bolehlah kunjungi kedai show area pekan masing masing kereta ni masih baru diperkenalkan jadi ianya belum meluas lagi saya dah ambil satu warna black ia ok .

    16. ridzuan says:

      Kalau kat port dickson kunjungi kedai kat lukut depan proton tu sekarang

    17. adia says:

      keta nie mmg ok..harga dia bebaloi dgn keta dia..sy pun da amek 1 cv6 nie..warna orange metalic mcm kat ats tue..hehehe..
      kalo sape2 dok kat utara,dia nye showroom kat penang nie..kira 1 northern region la..
      then kalo nak contact leh call nom ni: 012-408 3639. Sales manager Ooi..skarang tgh promosi gile keta nie..huhuhuuhuu

    18. ibkas says:

      wa..sudah angkat satu kereta era cm8, yang syok nya dah dua kali polis tahan bukan nak tanya lesen tapi tanya apajenis model kelita ni..

    19. ya'ohleh says:

      juz nak share..semalam tengok kereta chana kat showroom di bandar baru klang..showroom chana ni tersorok sikit, belah hujung2…ada model era cv6..not badlaaa…diorang masih lagi dalam promotion, full spec siap dengan fully leather, abs, power window, macam2 lagilaa… harga dalam campur tolak rm 38k..harga asal full spec tu rm42k..warranty 3 tahun lg…camner nih??nak beli ke tak yek??hehehehe…

    20. latipah says:

      buat ape keluar duit banyak untuk beli kereta rugi tau, nanti buruk juga. Kereta ni duit muka rendah janji dapat MPV sape untung, gua juga.

    21. Comment says:

      After sales service camner…ok tak? Itu pun kena fikir gak..

    22. Banglo2tingkat says:

      beli kete biar murah2 sbb benda tu lama2 berkarat dan jadi besi buruk…tapi kalau beli rumah biar lah mahal sikit sbb rumah arga meningkat…moral nya harga rumah kene lah mahal dr kete….jgn lak kete lg mahal dr rumah…besi buruk beb..he3….pilihan bijak chana mpv….dh lama aku perhatikan benda2 cam ni….save gak poket aku pasni leh lah aku kumpul duit beli banglo….he3

    23. jidi says:

      baguih dah booking satu cm8 lepas ni gah sikit balik kampung dapt naik mpv. jimat…………..

    24. Mjune says:

      bagus i sudah 3 bulan pakai lah, jimat petrol lagi boleh ambil 7 orang (…tapi banyak orang takut ………………………………made in china.ha ha ha)

    25. ray says:

      Standard brand ini agak baik dan selamat. I dah banyak baca article tentang keretanya.Changan adalah antara brand yang tercanggul di China. ranking 2, lebih daripada cherry lah semua tu. Jimat dan selamat!! Haha..

    26. carson says:

      chana era…..best

    27. DDX says:

      last week, saya accidnt. i pakai cv6 dan terlangar BLM. belakang BLM tu kemek tapi kereta saya. ok. so beloh la tau apa qualitinya.

    28. ed says:

      pelik tapi benar.

    29. ed says:

      biar pelik jgn peli_

    30. Norman says:

      Chana MPV ni pernah masuk Singapore 2 thn lepas.Lepas tu dah takde order lagi.Hanye beberapa org jer pakai.Denagr ade masalah enjin dan kualiti.

    31. comment says:

      Tepuk dada tanya selera :-)

    32. Norman says:

      Model yang best Chana Benni 1.3 hatchback

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