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    Kdi just back from duty in Jeddah last week and sorry for the late update. Just want to share some tips to go around Saudi Arabia from Jeddah – Makkah (Mecca) – Madinah (Medina) with some photos.

    Getting around by taxi or van or Suv which malays called “teksi sapu” is the cheapest and easiest way to go anywhere. But most Malaysian come to Saudi for Umrah usually travels by bus organized by travel agent for umrah and ziarah. For self travel without travel agent, this short tips and info might help due to its quite hard to find the latest travel fare update online.


    Cost of taking a taxi from Jeddah international airport to Jeddah city is around SAR 100 Riyal. If you get a taxi driver charging you more than that, you can bargain a bit and can get the lowest taxi fare at only SAR 80 Riyal. That is the airport taxi with “Ujrah” words in Jawi on it.

    The center of taxis and vans for transportation from Jeddah to anywhere such as Medina and Mecca, you can take them in “Bab Makkah” in Jeddah. The vans, MPVs and Bus fare from Bab Makkah in Jeddah to Makkah Masjidil Haram is only SAR 10 Riyal. There are so many cars there that will start the journey once the seat is full. You can also ask them to go to Tanaim for miqat before going to Masjidil haram. The cost is only SR 10 Riyal.


    Taxi fares from Bab Makkah Saptco Bus Station in Jeddah to Madinah (Medina) is around SAR 240 Riyal one way by using cars like Toyota Camry or Hyundai Elantra. While big SUV like GMC Yukon fares from Bab Makkah Jeddah to Madinah is around SAR 400-600 Riyal one way of around 4-5 hours journey.

    You can take Saptco bus from Saptco Bus station in Bab Makkah Jeddah to madinah with bus fares SAR 55 Riyal per person one way to Saptco Bus Station in Madinah near Masjid Nabawi.
    But if you travel with for person, better take a camry with SAR 60 Riyal per person one way to Madinah which is more comfortable and you can rest at any pump station and masjid anytime you want.

    Bus station in Makkah is behind the clock tower hotel where you can find most taxis, vans, suvs drivers shout for “jeddah” or any other place you want to go.


    For travellers in Makkah, to go for miqat outside makkah usually around 5-10 riyal per person.

    Fuel is very cheap in Saudi Arabia. The petrol cost is only around SAR 0.50 per liter which is around rm0.43 sen per liter!

    Plus, there is no toll charges on their good highway connection! Unlike in Malaysia, toll plaza every where.



    Traffic jam to makkah


    Raining in Madinah


    Suv in Jeddah Saudi Arabia


    Mini market for your convenient in Jeddah Arab Saudi


    Lorry brings goat to Makkah


    Cheap cars sold in Saudi Arabia.. For example this used Hyundai Coupe selling at SAR 25k Riyal. New Volkswagen Passat at SAR 80k Riyal and New Hyundai Elantra at SAR 50k Riyal.

    Car rental in Saudi Arabia is quite cheap rental car from Saudi Riyal 100 per day for a sedan. The fuel is cheap, and no toll on highways. It is the matter of whether you are brave enough driving on Saudi road with left hand drive cars and dangerous way of driving there. Hope this info helps.

    Tag : tambang teksi bas van sapu mekah madinah jedah arab saudi.

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    Pecah fiber pecah gelas, sudah baca komenlah se das! Terima kasih! =) Yg benar, Brader K Majalah Kereta Malaysia - kereta info

    5 Responses

    1. Rafi says:

      Salam saya Akan mengerjakan umrah pada bulan 3 seramai 10 orang menaiki emirates cara terbaik ke madinah dari Jeddah airport ? Kalau boleh nak gunakan satu van senang ke tolong bagi saya advice tkasih

    2. firdaus says:

      Saya pun bulan 3 juga.. 24 march

      Boleh jumpa disana.insyaalah saya pun cari transport sendiri

    3. Agus says:

      Assalaamu’alaikum …. saya Insya Allah akan melaksanakan Umrah pada bulan Desember 2014 dan sampai Jeddah jam 5 sore …. bus SAPTCO dari Jeddah ke Madinah jam berapa yang berangkat malam? … syukron

    4. ahmad ramli says:

      I will arrive jeddah 8.00pm. May i get some tips how to go to Medina soonest after that? if someone could give me some tips?

    5. Norhanita kayat says:

      Salam. Saya akan mengerjakan unrah hujung ramadan ini, 2016. Mohon no contact tuan atau email or facebook. Saya nak minta toling arrange utk transport from jeddah to medinah. Thanks hanita 0164150744

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