Ok guys, today i just want to share what i just practiced when spraying my own cute car =) . Maybe most of us didn’t even know if they can DIY “do it yourself” spraying your own car or maybe you are too afraid to do that to your lovely cars. Don’t worry because you just need a proper step and tools for that job that will give you a good chance to experience it yourself spray bumper or car body with cheap or low cost.
Don’t have the right spraying skill? Nevermind.. Just do the basic things and your are done with great touch up. Some of us want to touch up car paint on a small area on a car body only and some of us one to spray the whole body kit or even a larger area. but i think the most large area you can do it yourself is just for bodykit only. (nak spray bodykit murah? buat macam ni je.. sempoi =) If you want to spray the whole body, i discourage you to do so. Better go to paint shop (kedai cat ah beng) so that overall of your car looks even.
How much is the total cost to spray one bumper?
Below are the stuff that you must have to DIY spray paint your car body parts:
DPI auto colour spray x 2 = RM17x2 = RM34
DPI auto clear spray = RM17
Paper to cover your car = RM0
Masking tape to do some taping job around the area = RM5
Sandpaper grade 350-450 = RM5
1 bottle of hundred plus to help you feel energetic and relieve after exhausted = RM2.50
Overall cost = RM63.50 maximum #
It depends on the area you want to do the spray paint job. If you have just small area due to scratch, then just buy a can of DPI colour spray only which is only RM17. Above cost is for a bumper from a small car to big car like Proton waja. usually if you send to the shop, they will charge you more than double of the cost above if i am not mistaken. But for a small car like kancil, it needs only one spray can. And if you want to budget more, don’t buy the clear spray as the DPI spray is specially made for a car and it can resist heat and sunlight and crack. The clear spray is just for your paint to be more shiny and better finishing. I myself didn’t even use the clear spray can.
Important! : Use only auto spray from DPI! I have an experience using other brand like matahari etc which is rm7 per can. Do not use them! Your paint job will get yellowish and terrible with more cracks after some times. Use DPI and you are trouble free. You can get those DPI auto spray can from most of ace hardware in Malaysia with the colur code exactly same with your car colour code stated under your car’s hood.
Wrap all parts nearby the paint job area properly with paper and masking tape. Make sure to wrap larger area from the job area to avoid dust and particle of spray paint flying and sticking to your other car parts especially your glass windshield, window and mirror. Don’t forget to wrap your tyres too. In this case, i want to spray all black area at the side of my kancil. Just need one can of DPI spray.
Use the sandpaper to smooth the surface of the area (if it is fibreglass, plastics and PU). Make sure the surface is ready for spray. You can feel the surface by your hand and can estimate if the paint can stick on it smoothly. Not to worry so much.
Wash the area very2 clean and wipe properly so that no dust and dirt are not there.
Then apply a very light spray by using DPI auto spray can after you shake the spray for a minute. the distance from spray can to the area must be around 15-20cm (the instruction said 12inch but it is too far i think)
Let the first layer dry. You will still see the original colur of the area. But don’t worry, you will get another 2 layer of paint after the first layer. Let it dry for 15 minutes and continue spraying.
Then if you have satisfied with the basic colour paint job, spray the area with 1 layer of DPI clear spray. Then it is done!
Simple isn’t it?
So blehlah cat bumper kereta sendiri lepas nih. Happy DIY spray paint your own car!
Boleh la aku wat kat kete aku nanti..jimat kos..hehe…tapi byk tin gak kne guna tu…hehe
nak cover kesan calar bleh ke?
for me :
i bought used aircompressor = RM300…..paint gun + accecories (new) = RM80….so total RM380 for basic tools that can be used for a long time…
then bring ur paint gun to any car paint shop…just tell them yr body colour code….or bring along yr fuel cap…(so they can mix the paint aaccording to yr car)…price depend on type of paint u want….
then start painting yr car…..u can even paint whole body like i did to my 1996 650 kancil…
BUT….better if u can prepare special room for the job…..takut habuk banyak, so the finishing is bad…senang je.(kalau rumah ada garage)…sealed semua lubang2 angin..(saya pakai big thick clear plastic)….use exaust fan (RM50 kat carefour) ……
so for those who like to DIY…..enjoy the great experience…..
my 2nd project – repaint my NGV GEN2…..
aircompressor tu yang guna elektrikkan…?
kalau baru berapa harga ek…ada riban2 ke..
* out topic skit
Satu lagi jgn lupa pakai sarung keselamatan untuk lindung tubuh badan dari kena kabus cat yg terbang seperti kain tutup hidung dan mulut, google mata, plastik tutup rambut dan apron. Jgn sebab nak keta lawa kita kena batuk kering plak.
yup kebanyakkannya jenis motor letrik…..banyak yg murah sekarang..harga tengok HP & kapasity tangki…berapa bar….
kalaua beli baru 300 dah boleh dapat 2hp…tapi tangki kecik…tak tau sesuai ke tak untuk paint job…tapi saya lagi suka cari used….yg murah takut tak tahan pasal brand china (oppssss ssorry takut ada yg marah plak)…tapi bagi saya used ..better…
berguna benda ni sebenarnya…untuk bersihkan engine contohnya…sembur je…tayar pancit ke…nak bukak nut pun boleh kalau yg sesuai…
and good advise from joko….never do the job without the mask…..sarung tangan pun penting…kalau boleh cover satu body…senang nak amik sembahyang…takut ada cat terspray kat tangan….
saya memang jenis DIY so tak takut nak buat ‘projek’ kat kete sendiri….
Ohh ye tak ye jugak, dulu aku selalu gak belek2 compressor ni kat pasaraya. Tapi dalam kepala pikir hanya untuk basuh keta ajer, rupanya boleh di pelbagai gunakan .. okey good.
tau pun apa aku nak buat bila beli aircompressor ni..
nak kasi clean enjin dari habuk + kat brake lining tu gak contohnya…(tiup belon bila besday party kuang2)
cadang2 mmg nak beli spanar angin utk buka nut sekali…lps tu..tambah2 alatan lain…
last2 aku bukak bengkel lah pulak hehehe…
aku nak surveylah regenya nanti…
hahaahaah….kita serupa la….
pasni belajar ‘ketuk & simen’ kereta dari ah beng……boleh gak buat duit sikit…
part bersihkan engine guna ‘angin’ memang best…..nampak bersih je…pastu lap sikit2 minyak2 yg ada….
agaknya pasal tu kot Gen2 aku dah 300000km pun masih gagah lagi….alhamdulilah…
klau nk cat bumper kne kikis sumer cat lame ke……
urm.. xpayah kikis.. cuma kena sandpaper balik lapisan luar tu kasi cantik. baru leh cat balik.