Please be sure to refer to the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. This guide is only provided to give you an idea of what is required to install a wing or spoiler onto your car.
Pre-Installation Prep Work
Start by removing the plastic trunk lining if it exists. To do so, using the screw driver pop off the little plastic clips attaching it from the insides. Don’t damage them, you’ll need them later to reinstall the lining.
Once the lining is out, assemble the wing brackets. If the wing you purchased doesn’t fit the curve of your brackets, use automotive weather stripping and place it between the wing and brackets and then using the hex wrenches, slowly secure the deck to the brackets.
Now place packaging tape on the trunk where the brackets will mount and line it up on the trunk where you would like it installed. The easiest method is to simply place the assembled wing onto the trunk and with a marker or pen mark where the tenative holes for the screws are supposed to go. Don’t install the wing backwards. If you are not sure which way it goes, ask someone. After marking the holes, remove the wing from the trunk.
Using safety goggles and your drill, begin by using a smaller bit than the what your screws are. Slowly drill the required holes into the trunk, and progress to a bigger bit until the holes are suitable for your screws. Be sure to drill completely through the first sheet metal (top of trunk) and the second sheet metal (below). Once the holes are 1 size larger than the required bolt diameter, vaccuum and get rid of the metal scraps to prevent cutting yourself or scratching your car.
From underneath the trunk, inside the car, slowly drill UP through the holes you just punched through the other side.. You want to make the holes larger on the inside so you can get a deep socket through here to secure the wing to it. Use the largest bit you have, probably like a half inch or so, this should clear your smallest deep 10mm socket.
Using the dremel, be sure to soften the edges of your holes, make sure you dont poke yourself with the burrs and then using the touchup paint, coat the outsides of the holes so they dont rust in the rain.
Attaching Wing To Trunk
Now that you’ve prepared the trunk for installation, place the wing on top of the trunk and line up the holes on the spoiler with the ones you drilled into your trunk. From underneath the trunk lid (and assistance from a friend) tighen the bolts to the deck. This may take some time due to the confined movements from underneath the lid. Be sure you attach the washers, these not only secure the wing on but they will also hold your wing in place if someone tries to rip off your wing.
Tighten the wing to the trunk, be sure NOT to dimple the trunk while doing so. if you successfully attached the wing, the wing should not wiggle much side to side, for there is equal pressures on all 8 or so screws holding the wing to the trunk’s sheet metal.
When driving you might see the wing slightly vibrate, that’s normal due to how thin the sheet metal on top of the trunk is, but it should not sway violently. If that is the case, adjust the angle of the wing because it may be lopsided so it doesn’t rip off your car while driving.
11 Steps To Install Your Own New Aftermarket Spoilers On Your Car – DIY
1. After opening and inspecting your rear spoiler, you can begin the installation. Open the decklid and cover the carpet with a drop cloth, so that any hot metal shavings will not burn into the carpet. Also, remove any trim panels with either a panel puller or a screw driver. Notice that the LED light and the pedestal gaskets come pre-installed (pre-painted spoilers only), which will save some time.
2. Turn the spoiler over and set it on a soft surface to prevent any scratches. Place the plastic locator T-strips into the mounting holes and, if applicable, the LED brake light hole. TIP: A small piece of masking tape is helpful in holding the T-strips in position.
3. Place spoiler on closed decklid and align to the proper position. A measuring tape will ensure a “perfect” alignment.
4. Use making tape to secure the T-Strips to the decklid of the vehicle. Simply remove the spoiler by carefully lifting straight up, leaving the T-Strips secured to the decklid.
5. Use a 1/8″ drill bit and drill through the T-Strip holes and into the decklid. It is not necessary to drill through a double-panel on this application, because we can utilize the factory openings on the underside.
If your spoiler has a light, you will have to find the point directly between the two holes you’ve drilled for the side of the spoiler containing the wire for the light. Once this point is located drill a hole through it using the 1/8″ bit. Then use the 5/16″ to widen it.
6. Remove the T-Strips. Use a 5/16″ drill bit to drill through the 1/8″ pilot hole you made in Step 5. If a “double-panel” does exist, use a 3/4″ drill bit to drill thru the “inner-panel.” This allows the ratchet or nutdriver to secure the screw tightly against the upper panel.
7. Remove metal burrs from all the holes. Apply a small amount of primer to the holes. This will help prevent rusting of the freshly drilled metal.
8. If you have encountered a “double-panel”, open your trunk. If you find that you have plastic or rubber plugs in the location underneath the holes you’ve drilled to mount the spoiler, remove the plugs.
If there are no plugs or holes on the underside of the trunk, you will have to use your Phillips screwdriver and either your hand or a rubber mallet for this next step. Perform the following steps for each mounting hole you drilled in the previous steps:
Insert the screwdriver through one of the top mounting holes.
Hold the screwdriver firmly in one hand, and strike the handle with your hand or rubber mallet with enough force to make an indentation on the underside of the trunk. This will mark the spot on the inside of the trunk for you to drill through the double-panel.
Center the bit on the indentations you made and drill out all necessary holes.
9. Pull back the pedestal gaskets and expose the mounting tape. Place the spoiler on the decklid and use the supplied screws to secure the spoiler to the vehicle using a ratchet or nutdriver. Be sure to feed the LED light wire through the pre-determined hole (if
applicable). Apply a small amount of silicone-based caulk over the mounting screws. This will help prevent leaking, rusting or loosening of the screws. TIP: Gasket material is extremely sticky once it is exposed, so if you spray it with water or glass cleaner, you can more easily reposition the spoiler as needed.
10. When installing the LED brake light, it is recommended that you splice into the third brake light in the vehicle and attach the spoiler wires using electrical tape. Step on the brake to ensure that you have properly wired the light. If it doesn’t work, simply switch the two connections.
11. Finish the installation by vacuuming up any debris or metal shavings. Reinstall any panels, mats or other items that had to be removed earlier in the installation.
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