Hi Guys…Today we want to share something about car logos. Do you know the history of each car logo? Maybe you can share some information with us. Below are eight logos of the famous car manufacturers in the world.
Ferrari Logo
We start with Ferrari.Look at a Ferrari and you’ll see Francesco Baracca’s prancing horse, which is the emblem of the WWI flying ace adopted for Fancesco Baracca’s racing Alfas.Fancesco Baracca’s parents persuaded Enzo Ferrari to use the symbol of their late son for his Alfa Romeo race cars. When Ferrari later started his own car company, he continued use of this logo. Note that the logo shown here is technically the logo of the racing team, Scuderia Ferrari, though you will see it appear on the front fenders of many modern road-going Ferraris. The official company logo is the rectangular version encompasing the same prancing horse.
BMW Logo
Second is BMW. See the spinning propeller on BMW. This represents the company’s beginning as an aircraft engine manufacturer.
The common belief is that the BMW logo is a rounded, stylized representation of a spinning propeller blade (the company build military airplane engines originally). However, it actually predates airplane engine production by more than ten years. The emblem evolved from the Rapp Moternwerke company logo (which later grew into BMW), with colors from the flag of Bavaria incorporated.
Mercedes Logo
For mercedes logo, this logo has been around since the 1920s.The three pointed star of Mercedes’ logo represents their domination of land, sea, and air. First used on a Daimler in 1909, a laurel wreath was added in 1926 to signify the union with Benz, and was later simplified to the current logo design in 1937.
Audi Logo
The four rings in the Audi logo represent the four companies of the Auto-Union consortium of 1932 – DKW, Horch, Wanderer, and Audi. The Audi name disappeared after WWII, but was revived in1965. In latin, Audi means as “Hear!”.
Mitsubishi Logo
For Mitsubishi, there are two versions. First,the three diamonds in Mitsubishi’s logo represent a ship’s propellers referencing the company’s ship-building days in the 1800s.
Second versions,the Mitsubishi logo is an integration of two family logos, and originally represented three water chestnuts. It’s derived from the three-layer chestnut family crest of Yataro Iwasaki, founder of Tsukumo Shokai, and the three-leaved oak family crest of the Yamanouchi family, from the Tosa Clan. As for the name, it literally means ‘three water chestnuts’ – Mitsu means three, and Hishi is the word for water chestnut (when there’s an ‘h’ in the middle of a Japanese word, it’s often pronounced as a ‘b’).
Lotus Logo
The letters above are the initials of its founder, who is Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman.It’s unknown why he chose the name ‘Lotus‘ for his car company. The background is green due to the British Racing Green. During his days, green is the color of British cars. The yellow signifies the hope that lies ahead for the company.
Toyota Logo
The Toyota logo is comprised of three ellipses, representing the heart of the customer, the heart of the product, and the ever expanding technological advancements and opportunities that lie ahead.In September 1936, the company ran a public competition to design a new logo. Out of 27,000 entries the winning entry was the three Japanese katakana letters for “Toyoda” in a circle. But Risaburo Toyoda, who had married into the family and was not born with that name, preferred “Toyota” because it took eight brush strokes (a fortuitous number) to write in Japanese, was visually simpler (leaving off two ticks at the end) and with a voiceless consonant instead of a voiced one (voiced consonant is considered “murky” or “muddy” sound compared to the voiceless consonant, which is “clear”). Since “Toyoda” literally means “fertile rice paddies”, changing the name also helped to distance the company from associations with old fashioned farming.
Citroen Logo
The Citroen car company was founded by Andre Citroen, who got started in the industry by building gear wheels. The two chevrons of their logo is meant to represent gear teeth.
So, How about our national car maker Proton? Do you anything about Proton logo? From the 14 edges to the head of tiger…any one have any idea? Let’s share with us..
Dalam banyak2 logo, yang mane paling creative???
Ntah la..rse mcm Audi..Ferrari pn ok gak..BMW pn ok..
wow, this is interesting!! but… mana logo proton?! :)