Bad driving habits?. Which one that you hate most?. Let’s share with us.According to some foreigners from Europe and Australia, the driving habits of Malaysians are terrible, with motorbikes mostly driven at full speed like a “samseng jalanan” or “mat rempit”; motorbike and cars overtaking on the left and right, people talking on their mobile phones or smoking while driving, and many road users not wearing helmets or seatbelts in the village.These are just a few of the things that we find particularly irritating about other drivers and their habits.But from our research, our driving habits are much more better than any other countries in Asean.
Below are some other annoyances that we can think of.
1. Driving whilst using a mobile phone
2. Not indicating correctly
3. Tailgating
4. Crossing a solid white / double white lines
5. Lane hogging
6. Driving around with foglights on when it’s not necessary
7. No headlights in conditions that require them
8. Not knowing what lane you should be in
9. Queue jumping
10. Not wearing a seat belt
11. Driving through amber lights when you should relly be stopping
12. Inappropriate use of the horn, impatient people
12. Throwing cigarettes out the window
14. Cutting corners, particularly at junctions
Photo credit to Sylvester
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