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    Malaysia is building up a new F1 team called as the 1Malaysia F1 Team. Our former prime minister gives out his opinion on the plan.Read the full news from Bernama below.



    PUTRAJAYA,  — The value of advertisement benefits derived from the country’s F1 team is 100 times more than the cost of investment for the team, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said Thursday.

    He said it was not a waste of money to invest in the country’s F1 team as the advantages, including tourism and technological advancement, had always outweighed the disadvantages.

    Even when the country was experiencing economic recession and negative growth, Tun Dr Mahathir said, there were industries that could flourish such as tourism.

    “We viewed Formula One as an important instrument to promote Malaysia to the world,” he said in an interview with Bernama.

    He said Malaysia would have to pay US$1 million just for a three-minute advertisement in Japan.

    On Tuesday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced that the 1Malaysia F1 team would participate in Formula One race starting next year.

    Najib had said that the project was a joint government and private sector initiative with the government investment through Proton, the national car manufacturer.

    According to news reports, it is estimated that at least RM1 billion a year is needed to keep the FI team.

    “With the F1 race, Malaysia is shown to the world for hours. We don’t have to pay a single sen. If we were to calculate the advertisement in Japan alone, it may run into US$100 million or US$200 million.

    “So imagine… more than 300 television stations telecast the F1 race. People will know more about Malaysia if we have our own F1 team,” Tun Dr Mahathir said.

    He said investing in an F1 team was not merely about motor racing as technology developed for the motor racing engine could be applied for the country’s automotive industry.

    Najib had stated that the 1Malaysia F1 Team car would be designed and made by Malaysian in Malaysia.

    Tun Dr Mahathir said that owning a team would also encourage the country to produce its own drivers to take part in the world-class race.

    Malaysia has been involved in Formula One since 1999 through the Sepang circuit which has been on the race calendar since then.

    Petronas, the national oil and gas giant, has made further advancements in this arena via its sponsorship of the BMW Sauber team for the last four years.

    Tun Dr Mahathir, who is also the Petronas advisor, said it was cheaper for Malaysia to set up its own team than taking over the Sauber team after BMW withdrew from sponsoring the team.

    “If we (Malaysia) can invest billions of ringgit for corridors which we can’t see, why can’t we invest for our own F1 team?” he said.

    The national F1 team will integrate a Malaysian technical and pit crew totaling some 200 people.

    Six local and international drivers have been shortlisted for evaluation and the team will announce its two drivers by the end of next month.

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    9 Responses

    1. James Bond Jr. says:

      Cuba bayangkan kalau tak kurang dari setengah dekad Proton akan keluarkan enjin V12. Bunyinya macam tak percaya bukan? Tapi itulah realiti jika syarikat Proton dapat bersaing dengan syarikat Ferrari dan Ford pada masa akan datang. Walaubagaimanapun, komitmen & kesungguhan daripada kedua-dua pelumba harapan negara adalah amat diperlukan untuk meraih kejuaraan dalam podium petak pertama. Ia adalah lambang penting untuk kemajuan ekonomi dan aspirasi rakyat Malaysia keseluruhannya.

    2. Man says:

      Apabila Proton reka dan keluarkan engine campro biasa seterusnya IAFM, CPS dan light turbo… ia menuju ke arah yang betul. Maju Proton.

    3. Norman says:

      Gua tak beberapa harapkan Proton kuarkan V12 cukup sekadar mereka bina enjin lebih efisyen dan berkapasaiti 1.8/2.0/2.4/3.0V6.

    4. apa2 ajer says:

      ya sokong Norman

      x perlu kejar enjin V12 tapi yang penting wat enjin kecil tapi ngan kuasa turbo.. buat enjin macam Evo pun dah banyak ok.. untuk enjin V12 biarlah hal2 gini diserahkan kepada Lotus.. jadikan Proton seperti Toyota, Lotus seperti Lexus

      soal penglibatan negara dalam F1

      sekali lagi, gua tegaskan di sini GUA TENTANG HABIS2 AN.. kalau Proton – Lotus nak involve dalam f1 gua setuju tapi kalau Malaysia Team gua x setuju..ini idea gila penasihat Proton si Mahathir melayu mudah lupa.. agaknya dia lupa RM 1, 000, 000, 000. 00 bukan satu nilai yang kecil.. ia merangkumi 0.5 % atau lebih daripada perbelanjaan ( bajet ) setahun kerajaan Malaysia..

      soal promosikan negara. x perlu RM 1 bilion leburkan untuk promosi Malaysia… byk lagi cara yang lebih bijak, ideal dan jimat kos.. sekarang zaman cyber.. manfaatkan kuasa siber untuk promosikan Malaysia.. x sampai RM 10, 000, 000. 00 dah boleh promote seluruh dunia dengan lebih berkesan.. bukan semua rakyat dunia menonton F1., dalam 1 family kadang2 x da sowang pun ahli keluarga yang tengok F1.. kalau nak sgt promosi baik Promosi melalui sukan seperti bola sepak yang mempunyai jumlah peminat yang lebih ramai..nak beli kelab pun dah boleh dengan RM 1 bilion tu bukan setakat taja kelab jer macam MU buat..atau lebih baik guna RM 1 bilion tu untuk lobi supaya acara sukan berimpak tinggi yg melibatkan byk negara spt suka Asia, Komenwel atau Olimpik diadakan di Malaysia.. apapun itupun bagi gua bkn cara bijak..

      lagipun sekarang Malaysia di ambing kemelesetan ekonomi.. cuba tengok pasaran saham.. hampir semua sykt rugi.. macam semalam 371 kaunter di Bursam Malaysia rugi, 222 tidak berubah dan hanya 283 kaunter yang mencatatkan keuntungan.. ini penunjuk ekonomi yang jelas.. lagipun sedarlah nak bayar bonus raya untuk kakitangan awam pun terhegeh2.. RM 500 dibayar secara ansurans 2 kali.. ni mana pulak hampa nak cekup duit bina pasukan F1..

    5. Lorenzoo OO oo OO oo says:


      dasyat la u aper2 aje…
      cam berita TV plak siap gtau jumlah rugi, tutup n untung lagi tu.

    6. nilai says:

      apa2 ajer,

      aku seronok la bila hang ulas pasal Tun M.. go on..

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