All of us should know about the Proton Juara, the shape is boxy and i can safely tell that most of us think that the car looks ugly.But actually the boxy shape is a trend in Japan.Other than the trend, the box or square layout will give maximum space especially for small car.Thats why most compact car is rather boxy than curvy.
Another Juara alike car is the Daihatsu Deca Deca Concept. A boxy car doesnt mean it is ugly. It is the details that matters and how all the body lines and accesories connect to each other.And the most important part is we get a huge cabin space.
The main highlight for the Deca Deca is the interior itself.The mini mpv has flat floor design, slim fold-away seats that can be laid out in various positions and patterns, and pillarless, side-by-side doors for easy ingress.The cabin space is MPV size and comfortable for passengers.
As most KEI CAR (K-CAR) in Japan, the Deca Deca is fitted with a 3-cylinder turbocharged engine coupled to a CVT drivetrain to drive the front wheel.Daihatsu plans to showcase the Deca Deca at the Tokyo Motor Show in a few weeks’ time.
daihatsu deca deca concept deca deca concept daihatsu concept proton juara daihatsu proton japan interior mpv daihatsu mpv concept car turbocharged engine tokyo motor show kei car k-car engine trend
waa… nmpk menarik… fresh la design cmni… praktikal & tk nmpk serabut pn… kemas je… box type car…. kalo proton juara dulu buat design cmni kan lawa, buleh gak laku jualan… ni design proton juara tu ntah apa2 je mengarut dgn lampu brek blkg y paling tk kena dgn body…
hari tu atas jalan raya kt malaysia ada nmpk box type car gak, ‘mitsuoka’ kot… lagi satu.. dr honda ‘mobilo’… ada sesapa ada info pasal keta2 ni??
nampak macam mini bas la bukan mini mpv.. hehe apapun aku x minat bentuk kotak2 ni dan rasa2 x ramai minat bentuk kotak ni sebab tu Juara x laku suatu ketika dahulu..interior pun terlampau simple
hai cantik yer kereta nah jual ker,berapa ko nah jual jangan lah mahal sangat……..
yeke?????aku pun x yahu lah ingat kat apew tadi….ko tegok ker…..