BYD L3 SEDAN BYD L3 sedan was upgraded on many aspects including power, equipments, quality, appearance and so on. 1.8L CVT model will become the main model of BYD L3 sedan series, which is...
BYD L3 SEDAN BYD L3 sedan was upgraded on many aspects including power, equipments, quality, appearance and so on. 1.8L CVT model will become the main model of BYD L3 sedan series, which is...
Here we share with you the least-expensive 2010 cars on sale in America until March 2010. This is part of interesting information since not all Malaysian knows that some of their branded car actually...
Here we show you one of Mitsubishi model.Comes with versatility and performance to the model line. The Sportback is available in two exciting, five-door trim levels; a sporty GTS and a high performance Ralliart....
With so many automakers hitching their green-car stars to the hybrid bandwagon, the 2012 Mitsubishi i-MiEV should have strong appeal as one of the few all-electric vehicles on the U.S. market and perhaps the...
New Contribution By LGTC On 5 Dec 2009, 73 proud Mitsubishi Lancer owners from all over the peninsular convoyed to Eagle Ranch, Port Dickson to mark Lancer GT Club’s (LGTC) 2nd Annual Gathering....
The 2009 Malaysia Sales Satisfaction Index (SSI) Study had been recently carried out. As a result, Isuzu collects the highest point and ranked number 1 this year.Read the full news from CBT below. ISUZU...
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