Proton Saga LMST (old saga aeroback) or well known as “kereta kebal” and the all new Proton Saga BLM is the entry line model from Proton. It shows how Proton transformed from the old minded to the new futuristic and more stylish concept to design a car. With this post i just want to share some of the picture of modified saga LMST and Saga BLM modified picture.
Very nice job by photoshop graphic software to edit the rear end of the saga blm. The additional reflector or rear lamp put this saga blm on a higher and better impression of a sporty car. With the rear diffuser create some fierce expression.
Very nice and simple modification of the old saga LMST. All white is really a good concept of a car. But you need to take care of your car more to keep it clean and nice.
Another white saga concept.Very sporty sport rims with very low profile tyres. Even the door visor is painted with white! cool!
Like AE86? uh2.. Black rims and hood. Smoked headlamp. A good combination of Black and white! You can do it your self for the smoked headlamp. Some people charge you around RM100 to paint the internal of your headlamp.
The black and gold seems to create the best color matching. Really like the concept of black and gold. More exclusive and elegant.
Oh! What about this one? Heavily editted by computer graphic software. A Proton saga with BMW Sport rims and audi front grill. Im not so sure about the headlamp. Maybe from a lexus car lamp.
A subaru impreza or Proton Saga BLM impreza? This type of front bumper for saga BLM can be bought in our local aftermarket for RM300 only. You will get an impreza look instead of a new saga. Nice modification from a prosboc Proton saga blm owners club.
smart juga lampu belakang saga tu macam mers pula
bro gua nak pakai double aczos nak kene tuka ke tabung die or bleh gune tabung lama berapa kos tuk tuka double ekzos takmo besa sangat just kecik cam 1st pict tu je dah cukup..shunktek gak…