New Contribution By KDI
This is the current traffic summons rate board picture taken at the Ibu Pejabat Polis IPD Seremban Negeri Sembilan. Have you experienced an accident before? Most of accident cases, the rider or driver will get a ticket of summons which is RM300 which I think is unreasonable. No one wants an accidents to happen. But still, you need to pay for the fine (saman). There are many cases where you will receive the unwanted ticket from the policeman. Share your experience here.. =)
eh.. mcm knal ler tmpt kdi ambik shoot photo nie..
klu xslap aku kt sbn 2,bhg trafik.;- )
Yelah Black tempat jatuh lagi kan dikenang, ini kan tempat kena tahan lepas merempit muda2 dulu.. he hee.
Tapi adakah jadual ini boleh menginsafkan pemandu2 yg sering melanggar peraturan jalanraya, atau pun membantu mengurangkan kemalangan di jalanraya ? Rasanya belum berjaya lagi.
em.. btul3 ayt (ipin&upin) mst time kdi g balai psl org repot no.plat sm kreta die lnggar kreta lain 2.Smpt die ambk data ni.Bgus2,br blh jd editor yg b’jaya.
Ooo.. ye arr.. aku pn rasa cam tu gak lily..
dh alang2 kdi kt sinun.. trus dia ambk gmbr kompaun trafik tu..bgus2.;-)
ko ada ambik no gilran x masa ko shoot phto tu?..;-)
Owh.. betapa jahilnya diriku baru pertama kali diri ini tahu dengan tepat dan akurat jenis2 saman trafik dan estimasi wang yg bakal dikeluarkan.hehe
Saman ni usaha pihak polis. je… yg penting kita.pengguna jalan raya.
Rules are made to be broken.Quite harsh?
Hm.. There are fine distinctions btwn laws and ethics.Laws made based on ethics.Its the human custom that made the ethics.
U broke the law, the love letter from PDRM will send to your house.U broke the ethical code, depends on those around they look n think about the ethical code u broke.
Pening lah… Tepuk dada tanya sopan santun dan disiplin anda