Humans are getting lazier each day.Just take an example the number of cars on the road in Malaysia. Some people are just too lazy to walk a bit more to take a ride on our public transportation even if they know that it is more cost saving than driving their own car.But wait till you see what Honda had developed.
Behold, the new personal mobility concept called the U3-X. The U3-X is very simillar to the Segway, but it is the first to feature an omni-directional driving wheel system (dubbed Honda Omni Traction Drive System). Combined with Honda’s balance control technology, the device promises to be safe and user friendly.
The UX-3 works simillarly to a bicycle or unicycle. It will fit between the riders leg and allows them to move forward, backward, side-to-side, and diagonally.To move around, the rider has to lean their body in whichever direction the want to move.
The mobility device weigh less than 10kg and it is powered by a small lithium-ion battery that provides 1 hour of operation.
While the U3-X is just a concept, Honda says they will conduct real-world testing to verify the practicality of the device.
Is this a proof of technological breakthrough? Or simply proofing how lazy we are in the future.
honda ux-3 honda concept concept cars malaysia cars segway honda wheel Honda Omni Traction Drive System lithium-ion battery concept traction control system
lihatlah bagaimana gergasi spt Honda meneruskan R&D untuk kenderaan masa depan.. kenapa kita tak mahu, enggan memperuntukkan wang yang banyak untuk R&D.. ayuh Proton, bangkitkan namamu di persada dunia.. gempar penduduk dunia dengan keretamu