Do you know that engine tuning is very important? Especially when your engine performance and efficiency deteriorating. The tuning process will include the use of special device plugged in to your car and ECU tuning is achieved through the device. Some of the device is called OBD and MUT. You can buy it online with the price of around rm1000 or just going to the local workshop and ask for engine tuning for better fuel efficiency and performance with only rm35 of car engine tuning charge.
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Setting the idle speed, fuel/air mixture, carburetor balance, spark plug and distributor point gaps, and ignition timing were regular maintenance items for all older engines and the final but essential steps in setting up a racing engine. On modern engines, equipped with electronic ignition and fuel injection, some or all of these tasks are automated, although they still require periodic calibration.

Below are the information that can be read from the diagnostic device and tuning machine:
A/F Correction #1 (%)
A/F Adjustment Voltage (V)
A/F Correction #2 (%)
A/F Correction #3 (%)
A/F Heater Duty (%)
A/F Lean Correction (%)
A/F Learning #2 (%)
A/F Learning #1 (%)
A/F Learning #3 (%)
A/F Sensor #1 (AFR)
A/F Sensor #1 Current (mA)
A/F Sensor #1 Heater Current (A)
A/F Sensor #1 Resistance (ohms)
A/F Sensor #2 (AFR)
A/F Sensor #2 Current (mA)
A/F Sensor #2 Heater Current (A)
A/F Sensor #2 Resistance (ohms)
Accelerator Pedal Angle (%)
Alternator Duty (%)
Atmospheric Pressure (psi)
Battery Voltage (V)
Brake Booster Pressure (psi)
CO Adjustment (V)
CPC Valve Duty Ratio (%)
Cold Start Injector (Air Pump) (ms)
Coolant Temperature (F)
Engine Load (Calculated) (g/rev)
Engine Load (Relative) (%)
Engine Speed (rpm)
Exhaust Gas Temperature (F)
Exhaust OCV Current Left (mA)
Exhaust OCV Current Right (mA)
Exhaust OCV Duty Left (%)
Exhaust OCV Duty Right (%)
Exhaust VVT Advance Angle Left (degrees)
Exhaust VVT Advance Angle Right (degrees)
Front O2 Heater Current #1 (A)
Front O2 Heater Current #2 (A)
A/F Adjustment Voltage (V)
A/F Correction #2 (%)
A/F Correction #3 (%)
A/F Heater Duty (%)
A/F Lean Correction (%)
A/F Learning #2 (%)
A/F Learning #1 (%)
A/F Learning #3 (%)
A/F Sensor #1 (AFR)
A/F Sensor #1 Current (mA)
A/F Sensor #1 Heater Current (A)
A/F Sensor #1 Resistance (ohms)
A/F Sensor #2 (AFR)
A/F Sensor #2 Current (mA)
A/F Sensor #2 Heater Current (A)
A/F Sensor #2 Resistance (ohms)
Accelerator Pedal Angle (%)
Alternator Duty (%)
Atmospheric Pressure (psi)
Battery Voltage (V)
Brake Booster Pressure (psi)
CO Adjustment (V)
CPC Valve Duty Ratio (%)
Cold Start Injector (Air Pump) (ms)
Coolant Temperature (F)
Engine Load (Calculated) (g/rev)
Engine Load (Relative) (%)
Engine Speed (rpm)
Exhaust Gas Temperature (F)
Exhaust OCV Current Left (mA)
Exhaust OCV Current Right (mA)
Exhaust OCV Duty Left (%)
Exhaust OCV Duty Right (%)
Exhaust VVT Advance Angle Left (degrees)
Exhaust VVT Advance Angle Right (degrees)
Front O2 Heater Current #1 (A)
Front O2 Heater Current #2 (A)

Front O2 Sensor #1 (V)
Front O2 Sensor #2 (V)
Fuel Consumption (Est.) (mpg (US))
Fuel Injector #1 Pulse Width (ms)
Fuel Injector #2 Pulse Width (ms)
Fuel Level (V)
Fuel Pressure (High) (psi)
Fuel Pump Duty (%)
Fuel Tank Pressure (psi)
Fuel Temperature (F)
Gear Position (gear)
Idle Speed Control Valve Duty Ratio (%)
Idle Speed Control Valve Step (steps)
Ignition Total Timing (degrees)
Injector Duty Cycle (%)
Intake Air Temperature (F)
Intake OCV Current Left (mA)
Intake OCV Current Right (mA)
Intake OCV Duty Left (%)
Intake OCV Duty Right (%)
Intake VVT Advance Angle Left (degrees)
Intake VVT Advance Angle Right (degrees)
Knock Correction Advance (degrees)
Learned Ignition Timing (degrees)
Main Accelerator Sensor (V)
Main Throttle Sensor (V)
Manifold Absolute Pressure (psi)
Manifold Relative Pressure (psi)
Manifold Relative Pressure (Corrected) (psi)
Mass Airflow (g/s)
Mass Airflow Sensor Voltage (V)
Memorised Cruise Speed (mph)
Number of Exh. Gas Recirc. Steps (steps)
Pressure Differential Sensor (psi)
Primary Wastegate Duty Cycle (%)
Rear O2 Heater Current (A)
Rear O2 Heater Voltage (V)
Rear O2 Sensor (V)
Roughness Monitor Cylinder #1 (misfire count)
Roughness Monitor Cylinder #2 (misfire count)
Roughness Monitor Cylinder #3 (misfire count)
Roughness Monitor Cylinder #4 (misfire count)
SCV Step (steps)
Secondary Wastegate Duty Cycle (%)
Sub Accelerator Sensor (V)
Sub Throttle Sensor (V)
Throttle Motor Duty (%)
Throttle Motor Voltage (V)
Throttle Opening Angle (%)
Throttle Sensor Voltage (V)
Tumble Valve Position Sensor Left (V)
Tumble Valve Position Sensor Right (V)
Vehicle Speed (kph)
Front O2 Sensor #2 (V)
Fuel Consumption (Est.) (mpg (US))
Fuel Injector #1 Pulse Width (ms)
Fuel Injector #2 Pulse Width (ms)
Fuel Level (V)
Fuel Pressure (High) (psi)
Fuel Pump Duty (%)
Fuel Tank Pressure (psi)
Fuel Temperature (F)
Gear Position (gear)
Idle Speed Control Valve Duty Ratio (%)
Idle Speed Control Valve Step (steps)
Ignition Total Timing (degrees)
Injector Duty Cycle (%)
Intake Air Temperature (F)
Intake OCV Current Left (mA)
Intake OCV Current Right (mA)
Intake OCV Duty Left (%)
Intake OCV Duty Right (%)
Intake VVT Advance Angle Left (degrees)
Intake VVT Advance Angle Right (degrees)
Knock Correction Advance (degrees)
Learned Ignition Timing (degrees)
Main Accelerator Sensor (V)
Main Throttle Sensor (V)
Manifold Absolute Pressure (psi)
Manifold Relative Pressure (psi)
Manifold Relative Pressure (Corrected) (psi)
Mass Airflow (g/s)
Mass Airflow Sensor Voltage (V)
Memorised Cruise Speed (mph)
Number of Exh. Gas Recirc. Steps (steps)
Pressure Differential Sensor (psi)
Primary Wastegate Duty Cycle (%)
Rear O2 Heater Current (A)
Rear O2 Heater Voltage (V)
Rear O2 Sensor (V)
Roughness Monitor Cylinder #1 (misfire count)
Roughness Monitor Cylinder #2 (misfire count)
Roughness Monitor Cylinder #3 (misfire count)
Roughness Monitor Cylinder #4 (misfire count)
SCV Step (steps)
Secondary Wastegate Duty Cycle (%)
Sub Accelerator Sensor (V)
Sub Throttle Sensor (V)
Throttle Motor Duty (%)
Throttle Motor Voltage (V)
Throttle Opening Angle (%)
Throttle Sensor Voltage (V)
Tumble Valve Position Sensor Left (V)
Tumble Valve Position Sensor Right (V)
Vehicle Speed (kph)

Too much to adjust? just go to your professional mechanic to adjust the best setting for your car.
Kindly share here about your experience on engine tuning.
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