What is your opinion on choosing a first car in your life? Do you prefer a compact car? Sedan car? Or an MPV for your first ride? To understand this further, we try to get the feel again on all of the car famous category by driving Nissan Grand Livina 1.6, Proton Waja 1.6 and Suzuki Swift 1.5 at the same time.
Choosing your first car is usually related to affordability and which one really meets your needs. Oftenly, people who have just newly graduated and get a new job will prefer a compact car especially when working in the city due to easy to get around and less fuel consumption. Let me summarise all three car category advantages.
Advantages of compact car:
+ Affordable ( Lower monthly payment, insurance and road tax)
+ Easy to get around in the city ( Parking and easy handling in traffic jam)
+ More fuel efficient
+ Easy to do maintainance
+ More pickup at low speed
Advantages of Sedan Car
+ More space for your small family (5 passenger and below)
+ More boot space for long journey
+ More engine space for any performance modification
+ Easier to modify exterior with a lot of sedan car accessories
+ A safer ride ( Crush zone front and rear)
+ More stable in terms of handling especially while cruising
+ A faster car in low and top range speed
+ A family car which looks sporty
Advantages Of MPV:
+ Can carry 7 passenger for a big family
+ Have a smooth and relax feeling while driving
+ Better suspension which will gives more comfort to all passenger
+Can carry more stuffs by folding rear seat – Can be used for any purpose like business purpose.
How about your choice? MPV? Compact city car? Or a sedan car?
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