A lot of Malaysian likes to modify their car. You can see more modification done especially to local car. Kei car user such as Kancil, Kenari, Kelisa, Viva and Myvi owner often make up their car with cheerful and colourful theme. Most of them follow Japanese trend or called as JDM (Japanese Domestic Model) as a reference. And if you notice there is some car owner who will mod their car with hello kitty stuff all around their car. Now they had another addition to their Hello Kitty collection.
Behold the Hello Kitty engine oil, yes im not kidding, its an engine oil with a cute cat on its label. The engine oil is a collaboration between italian engine oil manufacturer and japanese company hello kitty.The oil is available in 3 liter SAE 5W30 specification which is obviously for use with Kei car or 1 liter engine and below for Malaysian market.
The Hello kitty engine oil will be imported to japan by showa boeki with a retail price of 2980 YEN (RM 107).Although there is no plan for Malaysian market, dont worry, JDM market is so strong in Malaysia and for sure there will be a way the lubricant would make it into our local workshops.
P/S: If you are still wondering what to buy for your girlfriends birthday or anniversary why not try the Hello Kitty engine oil?
Jom komen!