Speed Bump / hump or well known as road “bumper” is increasing in numbers and improper design. This will lead to many disadvantages to road users. Speed bump built to slow down vehicle that will pass the road. But, why can’t they make it properly and at a reasonable place only such as in front of school and market?
Too many improper bumps that has no yellow lines to warn the road user before passing it and most of speed bumps are not safe for motorist. Some have sudden high speed bumps that will damage vehicles.

– May divert traffic to parallel residential streets;
– There is a possibility of increased noise and pollution for residents living immediately adjacent to the speed humps.
– The British town of Eastleigh state the following as disadvantages
– Can increase traffic noise, especially when large goods vehicles pass by;
– Signs, street lighting and white lines are all required and may be visually intrusive;
– Can cause discomfort for drivers and passengers;
– Can cause problems for emergency services and buses.
– Drivers are distracted by the bumps, therefore ignoring other hazards such as children;
– Humps can impede or slow emergency vehicle access to areas.
– Increase pollution as traffic travels in a lower gear using significantly more fuel per mile;
– Are a substitute for active enforcement;
– Increase noise by both traversing over the bumps and by using more engine revs than normal;
– Cause spinal damage or aggravate chronic backache.
– In 2003, the chairman of the London Ambulance Service, Sigurd Reinton was reported as claiming that delay due to speed bumps was responsible for up to 500 avoidable deaths from cardiac arrest each year. He later denied the statement
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