Car paint and finishing style are getting more extreme with latest trend of car wrapping. Not only matte black, pearl white or camouflage paint colour type. The extreme finishing includes Jewel paint, Diamond Block, Grinder Tattoo, Jackpot Flash and Mirror Paint. Never heard before right? We bring this style exclusively from Japan during Osaka Automesse for you to view.
Picture above shows an Audi Sedan whole body wrapped with Diamond Block paint in black. Very unique finishing. While picture bottom of it is a sample of Grinder Tatto paint work done on the hood. The design looks different in every angle. Very attractive.
A few extreme paint type
Close look at the diamond block paint surface.
Jewel paint – more sparkling particle than usual sparkle paint.
Sparkling Dust sticker is usually used to wrap exterior window panel / center pillar. Available with many colours for only 800 yen around RM30 per piece.
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