New Contribution by Fared_zul
Message:Here I want to share some joke with all of you.Let’s we call the driver as Ahmad and below are the conversations between Ahmad and the Police.In a highway Ahmad drive very fast at about 102mph or 164km/h.The police ask him to stop..the the rest of the story below.
Police: Can I see your license?.
Ahmad: I don’t have one.
Police: Right. Can I See the proof of ownership of this car?
Ahmad: Its not my car.
Police: Well where is the owner?
Ahmad: I killed him.He’s in the trunk.
Police: Comissioner.Get over here.
Comissioner: Is everything alright sir?.
Ahmad: Fine Thank you.
Comissioner: This officer tells me you stole this car, killed the owner and dont have a license.
Ahmad: No.Here’s my license and proof of ownership.As you can see, there’s no one in the trunk.I bet he also told you i was speeding.
And that’s how you avoid speeding ticket.
IZ:Thank you Fared_zul for sharing with us..hahaha..This is just a joke and I don’t think that it will work.Nice joke Fared_zul.. =)
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