Robotic Car Park.
ROBOTIC PARKING – Ultimate Robots?
Sure robots can drive cars and also clean the floors, perform surgeries, fly the airplanes and go to war. But, how about Robotic Parking? In a world that is getting increasingly small, engineers came up with high technology solutions to solve the old problem that is the lack of parking space.The idea is, storing cars like how vending machines do with canned drinks.
Lately, we always heard that many cars were stolen from the car park.But you will have extra security with the robotic car park.A grand theft auto can’t just break into a car and drive it away, a theft will have to bypass the added security measure to retrieve the car from the vault first.
Robotic car park not only does it save significant space but, because the cars are moved around without their engines running, both sound pollution and engine emissions are cut to zero.So, we can say that this machine as a green machine.
Robottic Parking System, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
One of the Robotic Parking System is in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, which cost US$6.2 million.It is really high cost to build it in Malaysia.It was opened in October 2002 and can accommodates about 312 cars. A conventional car park only can accommodates about 90 cars with the space of building.
The system operate like this. When you want to collect your car, you enter a PIN number in a keypad at the garage entrance. Within two minutes, one of the garage bays will display your name, and the doors will slide open to reveal your car, facing back towards the street.
The very first mechanical garage began operation in Cincinnati in 1932. It used a converted elevator system to hoist individual cars from a central receiving area to one of its 24 floors. Once there, an attendant pushed it into a space. Capable of accommodating nearly 400 cars, it operated every day until it closed in 1979.
So, will professional engineer in Malaysia take this challenge? Are they will make the robotic parking in Malaysia become reality?
As the patron drives to the garage, the card (positioned in their windshield) is detected by the sensor and signals to the computer that a patron is approaching.
A patron proceeds into the open bay, positions their car, gets out and pushes a button to initiate the parking process.
Robotic Parking System use Modular Automated Parking System, or MAPS for short.
I’m a journalism student who is currently doing research on the same topic.
Similar technology has been used on a lesser scale in some of the companies here. For example, Hotel Malaya has a 3/4-row mechanical car storage rack that was built some 30 years ago. 2-level stack parking system is available in the new wing of Centrepoint in Bandar Utama. Pallet system can also be seen in some of the office buildings for space-saving purpose. Although not as advanced as those used in developed nations, we can see that robotic parking is materialising slowly here. I’m not sure if there is any company here that has carried it to a grander scale.
I hope you can share with me should you have more information on this.