New Topic By Hang Lu
Proton Xchange FAQ.
1 Program PROTON Xchange (“Program”) adalah kelolaan Proton Edar Sdn. Bhd. (“PESB”).
2 Penyertaan dalam Program ini adalah secara sukarela dan terbuka kepada semua bermastautin di Malaysia.
3 Kenderaan yang diserahkan untuk pelupusan (“Kenderaan“) di dalam Program ini akan ditawarkan voucer penebusan sah (“Voucher“) untuk tujuan membeli kereta baru Proton yang akan ditentukan oleh pihak PESB dari masa ke semasa.
4 Program dan Voucer adalah sah di dalam Malaysia sahaja.
5 Kenderaan yang diserah dalam Program ini mestilah didaftarkan di Malaysia dan masih beroperasi dan berfungsi semasa penyerahan.
6 Nilai Voucer untuk Kenderaan boleh didapati di semua Pusat Jualan PESB yang terpilih. Nilai ini tidak boleh ditawar. Pelanggan dinasihati untuk meneliti dan memastikan nilai Voucher untuk Kenderaan sebelum menyertai Program ini.
7 Voucer yang telah dikeluarkan tidak boleh dipulangkan dan tidak boleh ditukar ke bentuk wang tunai di mana-mana Pusat Jualan PESB.
8 Voucer hanya boleh digunakan untuk mendapat rebat apabila membeli KERETA PROTON BARU yang ditawarkan untuk program ini sahaja
9 Pelanggan dibenar menukar milik Voucer sekali sahaja dengan kebenaran pihak PESB di mana Voucer dikeluarkan.
10 Proses penebusan Voucher hanya boleh dilakukan di cawangan PESB di mana transaksi serahan kenderaan tersebut mula-mula dikeluarkan.
11 PESB tidak akan bertanggungjawab atau menanggung sebarang liabiliti dalam apacara bagaimanapun kepada pemilik/pemindah Voucher dan/atau penerima Voucher akibat daripada transaksi penukaran milik Voucher.
12 Voucer hanya sah untuk 3 bulan dari tarikh ianya dikeluarkan.
13 Kenderaan yang telah diserahkan dibawah Program ini tidak boleh dituntut balik oleh Pelanggan selepas Voucher telah diterima oleh Pelanggan.
14 Kenderaan yang diserahkan untuk pelupusan akan dinyah-daftar oleh Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalanraya Malaysia, dan tidak akan didaftarkan semula.
15 Pihak PESB berhak untuk menerima atau menolak mana-mana permohonan serahan Kenderaan dibawah Program ini pada bila-bila masa ataupun untuk sebarang sebab sebelum Voucher dikeluarkan.
16 PESB berhak menukar terma dan syarat penyertaan dalam Program ini pada bila-bila masa.
1 PROTON Xchange PROGRAMME (“Programme”) is conducted by Proton Edar Sdn. Bhd.(“PESB”).
2 Participation in the Programme is on a voluntary basis and is open to all Malaysia residents (citizen & non-citizen).
3 The Vehicle surrended for scrap (“Vehicle”) under the Programme will be offered a redemption voucher which will entitle the registered owner for rebate when purchasing a new Proton car which will be determined by PESB from time to time.
4 The Programme and Voucher is valid within Malaysia only.
5 The Vehicle surrendered under the Programme must be registered in Malaysia and be operational and functional at the time of surrender.
6 Value of Voucher for Vehicle can be obtained at all PESB Sales Outlet. Voucher values are non-negotiable. Customers are advised to check and confirm the value of the Voucher for the Vehicle before participating in the Programme.
7 Vouchers received by customers are not returnable and are not exchangeable for cash at PESB ‘s Sales Outlet.
8 Vouchers may only be used to obtain rebate for purchase of NEW PROTON CARS that have been offerred for this program only.
9 Customers are allowed to transfer the ownership of the Voucher only once with the approval of PESB where the Voucher was issued.
10 Redemptiion of the Voucher is only acceptable at the PESB outlet where the said vehicle is first surrendered.
11 PESB will not be responsible or be liable in any manner whatsoever to the owner/transferor of the Voucher and/or transferee of the Voucher arising from the said transaction on the transfer of the Voucher between the parties.
12 Voucher is only valid for 3 months upon its date of issuance.
13 Upon issuance of the Voucher to customer, the vehicle surrendered under the Programme cannot be returned to the customer.
14 Vehicle surrendered under the Programme will be de-registered by the Road Transport Department,
Malaysia and scrapped. It will not be re-registered.
15 PESB has the right to accept or reject a Vehicle surrendered under the Programme at its absolute discretion prior to issuance
of the Voucher for any reason whatsoever.
16 PESB reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the Programme at any time at its absolute discretion.
For those who just have 1 car on hand they might faced problem if they participate this Xchange programe.
Based on my understanding, if a person want to participate this Xchange programe, they need to full up the application forms and submit the original road tax to Proton Edar. Once the original road tax is submitted to Proton Edar, the car cannot be drive on the road anymore.This will caused a lot of inconveniences for that applicant because he/she needs transport to go to his/her working place or travel. In my opinion, Proton Edar should provide the applicant a official letter to declare his/her car is under the Xchange programe to avoid any inconvenient case happen such as traffic summon.
I have submit my old car and all the document for the exchange program for more than 2 month, but i still can’t get the voucher that suppose to be release by now. How long do i have to wait in order to get my voucher for a new car??? It bring me inconvenience since i submit my application. Why can’t you employ more staff to do the job instead of delaying the whole process?
mana nak rujuk status voucher exchange program ni?
ada sapa tahu dan berpengalaman.
Status macam mana tu?
Kalo dah submit, memang kita bleh tau dari sales agent tu jela. selalunya memang lambat sebab makin ramai buat exchange tapi staff proton yang handle x ramai. so kena sabar ok. masa dalam 1-2 bulan.