Proton Satria Neo Super 2000 driven by Guy Wilks and Phil Pugh success in 4th place at IRC Rally Rusia. This proved that Malaysian car can be a good competitor. The 1st round they managed to get 3rd place but the next round due to some problem, they got 7th place and put them overall in 4th place. Read further news from thstar below:
Proton has finished fourth overall in the recently concluded Rally Russia round of the Intercontinental Rally Challenge (IRC).
The three-day event, which consisted of 13 stages around the historic city of Vyborg, 130km northwest of St. Petersburg last weekend, saw the team completing a round in only its second event since Rally Belgium last month.
The pairing of Guy Wilks and Phil Pugh in the evolving Satria Neo Super 2000 found a good rhythm from the start and ended the first day of the rally in 3rd place. Unfortunately, a puncture on Day Two and a malfunctioning car-jack caused the team to lose over three minutes, relegating them to 7th.
They recovered with a string of fast times and despite another puncture, ended the rally in a strong fourth place. The Satria Neo Super 2000 will see action again in the next two rounds of the IRC at Rally Vinho Madeira on Jul 30-Aug 1 and Rally Czech on Aug 21-23; in between, it can be seen in action at home in the Johor round of the Rally of Malaysia on Aug 15-16.
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Tahniah Proton..Bestnya kalau dapat tengok semasa di Malaysia nanti…
meluat aku tgok satria..! lebih baik proton modified skit keta proton savvy tu…! savvy tu dah macam `permata yang tenggelam didasar lautan` bagi aku… kilauan nya orang tak nampak..
Boleh x ko bg gambar kete savvy ko…sebab tgok email ko ade savvy..mesti ko pkai savvy kan? email kat [email protected] or [email protected].. Nak tgok gak kete Savvy ko.. boleh gak kitorg buat artikel pasal Savvy ko.. =)