Porsche Auto Fair this weekend
If you’re thinking of buying a Porsche, well, this coming weekend’s Porsche Auto Fair 2008 is just the place you want to be.
Free service …
The fair, organised by Auto Eurokars, happens this Aug 1-3 at the Porsche Centre Glenmarie, and opening times are 10am-6pm daily.
Many model types, in an assortment of colour choices and options will be on display. Special packages await the new Porsche buyer at the fair, four in all. You’ll have to decide which it is you want more, because each vehicular purchase gets you one package.
Or free luggage …
The choices are a free two-year or 40,000km (whichever first) service package; a vehicle accessories package; a Porsche Travel System luggage system package; and two SIDRA driving courses (The SIDRA Experience and The Advance Course).
Or driver’s training courses, choose from these …
Generally, the packages – much of it concentrating on the Cayman and Cayenne – are pretty comprehensive and spread out evenly cost-wise, and worth anywhere from RM8,000 to RM12,900.
With test drives, light food and beverage as well as music on hand during the event, it’s really where you want to be if you’re thinking of buying a new Porsche. Absolutely.
For more info, call Auto Eurokars at 03-5032 9911.
– Posted by Anthony Lim – thestar
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