JETCAR? It is absolutely amazing. A Jet Car is exactly a car which runs totally with the support of Turbo Jet engine. Usually this car have a very smooth aerodynamic curves like a fighter jet aeroplane to cope with the air resistance or drag when reaching high speed from 300km/h to 700km/h
Most of the Jet Car is used to compete in a drag race on land. Whether in a tarmac, dessert or ice. The drag jet car or well known as dragster use turbo jet engine to help them accelerate faster.
In the desert north of Reno, Nevada, British fighter pilot Andy Green claimed a new world land speed record . His run bested by 74 mph the record set 14 years ago by his boss, Richard Noble. Green pushed Noble’s jet car “Thrust SSC” to 700.661 mph on the first of two timed runs down a 13-mile course, then dashed the other way at 728.008 mph.
Turbo jet provide full thrust through its inner combustion flow. It uses kerosene fuel type or “minyak tanah“.
To understand more about jet engine, above is the diagram of turbojet engines without afterburner and with afterburner. the front part is compressor blades which sucks air into the engine combustion chamber and provide high pressure air for combustion. The More highly pressurized air after burned in combustion chamber will push the turbine to rotate and get out of the engine as the exhaust thrust. The turbine then keep turning the compressor by using the force from the high pressure air from combustion chamber (burner).
A pickup truck with turbo jet engine. wahaha..
Not only cars, superbike also can be fitted with turbo jet. But above picture is just a imaginary design of Hayabusa Superbike powered by jet engine.
For those who have any question regarding jet engine, you can ask here. =)
Mentang2 kite blaja turbo jet engine nh..ko pun buat gak post nh…hehe… bagus2..
Apa2 ajer..
nih mel da buat pasal enjin kpl terbang tu…kalau nak tnye pape..boleh la tnye nanti.. mel & kdi boleh jd lecturer gak nh..hehe
aku baru je kne buat EGR ptg smlm.. pastu kne sebut la N1 rotate…pastu lae pn ckpla checked…agak2..klu kereta nh..nak kne ade org sebut N1 rotate x? ke main taram je..haha
bkn aku buat la
kdi buat post ni
mmg ade pon motor pakai jet engine
tpi pakai turboshaft
engine helicopter
y2k name motor tu
hehe…xprasan lak aku…sebab td baca2 post…smpai teringat ko buat… hehe.. kdi & mel..jgn mara..huhu
kena ikot style rahim
R1 rotate,
smpai kena perli ngan pilot haha
selamat malam…………… hii……. u all
gilo ah,
moto watpe laju giler macam tu. nak bunuh diri memang berkesan.
Y2K tu top speed 400kmh. kalu papehal ko tercampok dari moto tu masa speed 400kmh camne ek?, hhohoh..
hahaha.. R1 rotate.. bengongnye la mamat tuh.. aku tegelak bedekah2 ni ha.. kahkahkah!
aku tau ade motor pakai jet. Siap ade warning sign kat blakang die. tapi aku cari gambar nama xsure.. hu2..
kalo dah tercampak lepas 400kmh, xde jawapan lain selain dari keluarga die kena siap2 kain kapan la jawabnya.. kui2..
apela bleh tsalah nampak. Aku buat ni pon sbab geng2 MPV ada yang suh buat pasal aircraft. So aku masuk la post nih dulu.
Ada sesapa nak tanya pasal kapal terbang, meh tanya apa sahaja kitorang editor kdi tau serba serbi. hi2…
Haha…R1 rotate?..memg kne tegur la ngan pilot..hehe..
Tgok enjin yg kat pickup truck tu mcm yg low by pass punye je??? kan2? hehe..abisla..knpem bising mcm enjin JT8D…sebab kalau nak high by pass tu..mcm sush je..especially tok kereta la… slumber je mat saleh tu xpkai ear plug..haha
tringat lak pasal post ambulans aritu..ade gmbar ambulans pkai turbo jet kat airport…
hey guys did you know that that motorcycle goes so fast it only needs one wheel?