Perodua Myvi is one of the famous car in malaysia. The owner of myvi have everything in their mind to modify their lovely cars extremely. This sets of pictures taken from one of the myvi forum in Malaysia. And surprisingly, this cute little car can transform to almost any car model by just modifying the front bumper with custom bodykit. Like above, is the myvi BMW M3 bumper. On the road, i saw some of the myvi fitted with BMW front grille with two hole as a standard design of BMW.
Perodua Myvi modified bodykit to be a Mitsubishi evo x. Even the lamp is not really can be author to be the same like evo x, It is enough to modify only the front bumper. Actually this sets of myvi modification is done by one of the myvi forumer using photo graphic software. Nice job done there.
Myvi nissan fairlady. This one quite nice and more suitable to myvi. Not too much, simple yet have sporty look.
Guess what bumper is that? Inspired by Toyota Estima front bumper, this myvi looks bigger and fierce.
Audi design impregnated on a myvi.
A Suzuki Swift Sport or a Myvi? Sure it is myvi.
What do you think. Among all the picture, which one is more suitable and more stylish if fitted to perodua myvi as a good custom bumper modification?
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What is the contact number for custom design bumber for myvi ? and location for the shop~
Where can i get this custom bumper? What is the contact number?
Yea~ i looking for the contact too~
very nice bumper..i want to install it..
may i get the contact number..?and map/location for the shop…
may i get the contact number..?and map/location for the shop…
can i have any contact number for me to order myvi-audi bumper?
can u give me contct no.n location for me to buy this think????
Bro…try buat bumper custom front and rear design for savvy.
dude!, why u guys asking d same Q? where’s d answer bro? got it in penang oso?
Ok to make things clear, please read our article properly. We are not selling any bodykit. We just published some modification ideas on a Perodua Myvi. Please dont ask the same q again.