There are so many answer if people ask you which car you would like to drive. But when someone ask which car you don’t want to drive is most probably this car, the coffin car. There are many design of coffin car which are basically made to accommodate dead body. This is for adult view only. Children or pregnant women are not advised to look at these pictures =p.

The man driving the coffin car above looks happy.. hurm..

The friday night fever..

Artist impression on Toyota Prius Hybrid coffin car. Well, some of luxury car been transformed to carry dead body with special modification.

Look like a drag race car..

A former gravedigger has built a 100mph single-seater car using a 7ft-long steel coffin for the body. Phil Bissett, 62, bought the unusual handmade coffin on internet and has dubbed his new creation Holy Smoke.

The specially designed, car-shaped coffin opens as conventional coffins do, with a hinged top portion, and features the same type of upholstered interior as standard coffins. Cruisin’ Casket has a fiberglass body and may come in a variety of paint colors and designs. This innovative item may feature whitewall tires and gold or chrome rims for an extra stylish look.

This shows how a car fanatic like to be too close with cars even until he died. When BMW fanatic Steve Marsh died last year, his family wanted to mark his passing with something more than ordinary grave. So they made him an awesome BMW tomstone.
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