First of all, for your information, the Lotus Sport Exige Cup 260 is a direct development of the 2007 Exige Cup Car. The Exige Cup 260 represents the most radical version of the Exige which is an already fairly hard core version of the Elise.
This car originally is the 2007 Lotus Exige, but the owner of this Exige want to modify his car to be as close as possible to his own version of the Exige cup car.New wider body panels replaced the stockies, bigger rear wing, CF front lip and canards were added, 6-point roll cage was also intalled amongst many other mods.
Aside from performance, if there is a car that does the “storm trooper” theme very well, it’s gotta be the Lotus Elise/Exige. Other cars can only do a black wheels on white body and maybe a tinted tails or a blacked-out headlight housing but that’s as far as it can go to do the black and white theme. But with the Elise or the Exige in this car especially, the car have so many vents giving a really nice contrasting colors all around the car.
Facing its enemy.
Carbon Fiber canard.
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