New Contribution By shahrulnizam
Updated image of interior below.
The picture submitted might be owned by shahrulnizam which tells us about the old accord that has been modified moderately and nicely as version of modified honda accord CA5 in orange reddish colour. And below is some specification of the legendary honda accord third generation with CA5 variant.
The third generation Accord was introduced in Japan and Europe in 1985 and North America in 1986. It had a very striking shape, bearing a resemblance to the second and third generation Preludes. One notable feature was the flip-up headlights, unusual for a sedan. Sedan models sold on the European market featured fixed headlights and a different taillight cluster.
engine used : 2.0L SOHC/PGM-FI I4 (A20A), 2.0L PGM-FI I4 (B20A)
Region: North America (A20A), Europe (A20A/B20A), Australia (A20A)
assalamualaikum…nak tanya otai2…saya ada sv4 94…sekarang ni br tkr enjin f20b auto shiftronic..asal h22a sohc kosong..mslhnye dgn enjin f20b ni meter x hdp,temprature x jln n meter mnyk x hdp..lps tu bila drive lm gearbox mcm ad mslh…saya rs pnc dr ecu…lg 1 enjin ni die bkn gn power stereng..tereng asl die gn ecu utk control stereng…bnd ni bole kait mengait ke?mohon pncrhn sbb da pening pikir..klu ad pomen yg bole buatkn bole sudjest x…lokasi sy klng banting s alam…
assalamualaikum…nak tanye? sye bru beli honda Ca5… kerete condition 50%-50% …dimana boleh sye dapatkan half cut atau spare part?? Kereta ape yang sesuai untuk gantikan barang honda Ca5 nie??
Sy nak tyn di mna awk bli nie bumper dpn blkang and lips nie ar.. klau sy nak bli blh postkan kat sabah kha?? Sy serius 0143507534 nie 6ber sy
Sdr farhan saya tuan punya kereta di atas.bumper depan adalah bumper asal yang telah diconversion.bumper belakang juga telah diconversion.side skirt waja .Frt.bumper.kacuk SE3+VR4.Rear bumper.kacuk SE3+WAJA.Semuanya dihasilkan oleh saya sendiri.kalau nak datang ke Semenanjung.Prosesnya rumit sedikit.Banyak kerja nak buat.Kos Tinggi.Rare satu jer.kalau nak boleh buat design lain.Tak de masaalah.Ctc me 010-7943252 Nizam.
saya ada sebiji keta honda nk lego wat spare part ca5 .problem bearing kreng shaft bunyi.018-2735861
Assalamualikum tuan2 dan abg2 otai..saya ada sebiji honda ca5..mane2 yg nk cri head drive sfaht lampu droan blkng boleh wasap 0148065987