Elegant and distinguished, majestic in appearance and in proportions.
Everyone has their own dreams. I am absolutely sure each of us have their own dream cars.An artist also has his/her own fantasies.Many times, we see them buying cars that we, the mere mortals, can only dream at. We criticize or admire them for their choices, we sometimes wish we were in their shoes yet we suddenly wake up from the fantasy when we remember that stardom is not all roses.
But now it comes the true challenge. Suppose you have the celebs’ money, what car would you buy? Before this we already posted about luxury car owned by some stars.And today we would like to know from our readers, What car would you buy if you were a star?
The Audi R8 is a perfect vehicle both for a wealthy lady and for her man as well.
kalau malas bawak nak Range Rover ataupun Maybach ataupun Rools Royce
kalau nak masuk hutan ngan bergaya Range Rover kot
kalau nak drive sendiri naik Lamborghini.. tp jalan di Malaysia macam susah la pulak.. apapun ini impian jer..
hummer h6…!
proton saga blm 1.3
kereta terbang…..huhu
ni keter idaman buat masa sekarang :
Sedan : Saga BLM Hybrid 1.6 =)
Compact City Car : Mitsubishi i-miev with solar panel
MPV : Toyota Alphard Velfire with astro
SUV : BMW X6 offroad
Sports Car : Mazda RX9 supercharged?
Hehe..pelik2 gak eh kete korg..Hummer? huhu…nengok org lain pkai jela nampaknye…huhu
Pergh KDI…
semua kete yg ko sebut aku cume boleh tgok & telan air liur jela…huhu
semua ko cakap ade tambahan Hybrid,solar panel, astro la..mcm2..haha
Kalau aku star la kan..Ferrari F430 kot..haha..berangan je kan..(^_^)
Kalo gua superstar gua beli SUV BMW X6M,MPV Toyota Alphard luxury 3.5,Nissan GTR 3.8,Jagua XFR 5.0 long wheelbase dan sebuah Superbike
Pake je savvy aku ni jugak..
atau bli je kereta buatan malaysia yg lain. & modify..
daripada bli keta mahal, aku lagi suka bli keta biasa & buat jadi mainan. hehe..
kalu keta mewah tu, mesti la takleh nak godek2.. btul tak?
Kalo aku superstar?
Ferrari 599
Aston Martin One-77
Bugatti Veyron
Bentley Continental GT
Ford Mustang GT baru
Nissan 370Z
Tapi utk sehari2 aku pakai Bentley Continental GT je la.hehe
Hopefully 1day nnti if xdapat semua,salah satu kete ni jadi milikku pun aku dah syukur gle.aminnnn~