New Contribution By Wan Rashida.
Message: Pada 18/6/2011 pada pukul 10pagi lebih kurang sy telah menaiki teksi bernombor
HB5535 di mana pemandunya adalah seorg India dari Hentian Putra ke Hotel Grand
Continental,Jln Raja Laut. Sebelum saya menaiki teksi beliau sy sudah bertanya
adakah beliau tahu tempat itu dan teksi menggunakan meter.Sy agak terkejut bila
sy menaiki taxi,beliau menelefon kwnnya untuk mengetahui di mana tempat itu dan
meter taxi di bahagian bawah ditutup dgn kertas.Dia telah keluar dari taxi utk
bertanya org ramai di manakah hotel itu. Setibanya saya di hotel sy agak tekejut
kerana charge yg dikenakan adalah sebanyak $12.50.Sy tanya dia kebiasaanya sy
naik hanyalah $5 je
KDI : This trick is a normal among taxi driver even at oversea. In China, I have the same experience which is worst when the taxi driver said they knew the place and end up they asking people where is it and it takes longer time and distance to travel which needs us to pay more. Same situation in Paris too when got cheated by unsincere taxi driver. For the sake of money, they did this and we as a customer very disappointed with this and actually hard for us to prevent from being cheated.
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