By end of this year, the learner driver will be able to sit for his driving test using an automatic car .Read the full news from Bernama below.
Learner drivers sitting for driving licence tests would be able to use automatic cars once two road transport acts are amended, the Dewan Rakyat was told Monday.
Deputy Transport minister Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew said the two Acts to be amended are The Road Transport Act 1987 and provisions under the Driving Licence regulations 1994.
“The proposal is expected to be implemented by end of the year,” said Lau when answering a question by Norah Abd Rahman (BN-Tanjong Manis) at the Dewan Rakyat here today.
Norah had wanted to know when the government would allow learner drivers to use automatic cars when attending driving licence tests, just like what was practiced in other countries.
Lau added that the amendments would include a special clause to identify drivers who used automatic cars for their tests.
“If the learner driver decides to sit for his driving test using an automatic car, then he or she will only be allowed to drive automatic cars,” he said.
The Road Transport Department (JPJ) would also restructure the modules for learner drivers, teaching methods and driving classes.
Aku tak nampak, keperluan lesen yg berasingan di sini, sebab sesiapa yg belajar dari mula keta auto, for sure tak akan boleh atau berani bawak kereta manual punya. Tapi tidak disebaliknya. Biarlah belajor memandu guna keta manual aje, lagi pun keta kancil, susah mana lah benor nak bawak untuk belajor.
lame rules..again…bersusah2 dahulu la…
cadangan aku is buat mcm dulu tuh test n blaja pakai manual, tapi tambah few session utk bwk keta auto, just familiarization,
so at least student tau mcm mane nk bwk keta auto,
ni dlm thread satu lg pning aku bace org tanye mcm mane nk bwk keta auto.
tpi kalo lesen asing2 ni buat susah orang je,cost pon konpem betambah
betul la..
aku rse pttnye blaja mesti bawak manual dlu..test pun bg aku ptt buat manual jugak..
kekalkan cara yg lama…cme ajar mcm mana nk bwk auto jer…
lg pun auto tu bk ssh sgt pun…letk je kt d tekan minyk..nk berenti terkan brake..tu jer..
xkan yg tu pon x paham..