Imej Mazda Malaysia semakin tercalar dengan after sales servis atau khidmat pelanggan yang teruk dan technical problem pada Mazda skyactive engine pada model2 Mazda seperti Mazda 2, 3, 6.
Gambar di atas menunjukkan media release dari Mazda Malaysia yang menerangkan issue oil filter part number yang boleh digunakan. Post di FB Mazda Malaysia itu mengundang kemarahan pengguna Mazda yang semakin keliru dan mahu membuat petition agar Mazda membetulkan segala tindakan mereka.
Kes ini seakan kes VW Malaysia yang sudah terkenal dengan after sales service paling teruk di Malaysia.
Berikut merupakan antara komen pemilik Mazda di FB mazda mengenai issue masalah engine skyactive Mazda:
“this is the first time I heard of oil filter application is dependant on ambient temperature! I only heard of engine oil with different grade for different ambient temperature use. If oil filter is ambient temperature dependant, are you implying that Mazda oil filter B6Y1 cannot allow good flow in cold climate? How about Mazda 2 in Europe? They will suffer engine failure pretty soon it seems since it restrict their oil flow at start up.
Also, the word interchangeable means Mazda 2 or any car that use B6Y1 can use PE01??”
Mazda mempunyai barisan model kereta yang cantik seperti Mazda 3 dan Biante. Oleh itu diharap pihak Mazda mengambil tindakan lebih serius dalam menjaga hati pelanggan.
2013 Madza cx5 AWD
Remote not function. Told to replace remote battery. After replace battery still cannot function. Open the driver door with key on temote control. Try to start the car still cannot start. Call your Sibu Madza dealer Maxspeed.
They told me have to press the brake paddle hard. To my surprise it did help yo stsrt the car.
Check with internet my problem is an international problem.
This is not the only problem. Often the car feel like no power even we press the accerator
My car is 2yrs old with mileage of 15500 km.
Now doorsteps protector with cx5 also fail to on. Oh… i did on the switch .
A check with internal and compliants on cx5 round the world review that my problems is madza international problem.
Madza how are you going to dolve my problems.
I can be reach by Hp 0198863759