SPORT RIM ROTA EXTRA WIDE with STRETCHED TYRES is now a NEW TREND IN MALAYSIA. The wide rims with standard tyres ( rim lebar × tayar standard) looks very nice and it is economical compared to big rims with big tyres. Your wheel will give big and tougher looks on your car while maintaining cheap standard tyres fitted and stretched on a wide rims.
The price (harga) of extra wide rota sport rims is around RM850 for 15 inches sport rims with various width from 7jj, 8jj, 8.25jj and more expensive for 16 and 17 inches with wider 8jj, 9jj and up to 10jj.
The most famous setup is for 15x8jj or 15×8.25jj for 15 inches sport rims Rota style with 50 series tyres which can be fitted to Saga BLM, perodua viva, myvi, alza, kelisa, proton savvy, persona, preve, exora, neo, savvy, toyota vios, honda city, jazz, nissan grand livina, latio, sentra, kia forte, and other compact car
Or you can fit 17 inch rota extra wide sport rims with more expensive tyres.
The cost of rota extra wide tyres is rm850 for new rims + rm180 per 15 inch tyres. You can get the rims at rm450 after trade in your 15 inch rims.
The extra wide 8jj rota sport rim available in klang, rawang, sunway, ampang and other areas.
Most common rota rim design are te37, xxr concave, bbs wide lips, works emotion, rota fighter, watanabe or pisang, old school and others.
The extra wide sport rim will fit nicely on some cars but some other cars, you need to do some modification to avoid it hits the fender like adding spring coil silicon buffer, adding spring pad to increase height, knock the wheel arches or use adjustable suspension in the worst case.
To play safe, ask the tyre or sport rim shop foreman if it can fit without any problem or with some modification on your car before you buy new sport rim.
If you have the experience of using this extra wide rota sport rim, please share here.
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