Most of us, prefer to buy cheap tyres especially when the tyre price now is going up. Worst case, we tends to get the second hand or used tyres. Yes it is cheap, less than half the price of new tyres but bear in mind, the used tyres may be beyond the expiry period. It is very dangerous when it loss the original characteristic. There will be a lot of grip loss and may cause accident when you need the extra grip while driving on the wet road or when you need the emergency breaking.
Eventhough it is cheap, it is better not to buy because you cannot use it for long term. It can only be used within few months before it damages such as wear and tear.
Cheap tyres vs medium price and expensive tyres? The most famous cheap tyre brand are Silverstone, Falken and other made in China unknown brand. When we come to a wheel / tyre shop, we usually ask for cheapest tyre available for our size of rims. My advice is, do not get the cheapest one. Get a slightly better than the cheapest is considered ok. It may have a small / big price difference like RM50 per tyre more expensive. But it is worth for you to get and it lasts longer than the cheapest one.
I myself have the experience using cheapest tyres. The tyres are so sensitive. It will easily damaged when you hit something on the road. It will be torn easily by any pot holes. The grip is not so good especially on wet road and it is a bit hard for you to control your car then. The tyres will tends to damaged by itself such as bulging, flat area, uneven wear in a short time compare to better brand tyres.
In conclusion, get a better tyres. It really can save your money in a long term up to more than two / three years compare to the cheap one.
Brand tayar terbaik yang bagus vs harga tayar murah. bincang di sini.
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